MetaStream Transform

Enables the progressive download of three-dimensional (3-D) scenes in MetaStream format from a URL that you specify. The transform converts models from MetaStream format to Microsoft® Direct3D® Retained Mode mesh format, as needed, enabling progressive download of data. A progressive download renders a simple version of the scene first, progressively adding detail, instead of waiting for all the data to be downloaded before rendering.

Note  This transform is part of the Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition and Windows 2000 core install. If you don’t have any of the above, you can obtain this transform by installing the Microsoft DirectX® Media Software Development Kit (SDK) version 6, including the "Optional DirectX Transforms," which is selected by default.

This transform is located in Dxtmeta.dll in the DirectX Media SDK. This dynamic-link library (DLL) file can be redistributed according to the same terms as the DirectX Media 6.x SDK redist. For information on the DirectX media redist, see the Redistribution Information.

For more information, see external link

Transform Specifications

The following table contains the information you need in order to use this transform in C++ and script.

Class identifier (CLSID) CLSID_DXTMetaStream
Globally unique identifier (GUID) 60A0C080-E505-11D1-AA1C-00600895FB99
Programmatic identifier (ProgId) DX3DTransform.MetaCreations.MetaStream
Category identifier (CATID) CATID_DX3DTransform
Custom interfaces None
Supported interfaces
Inputs No mesh input required; the transform uses a URL moniker to acquire data.
Output Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3

Custom Properties

The following table lists the custom properties that control the transform output.

Property Type Default Description
DXTurl BSTR "" URL of a MetaStream file to download. Downloading begins immediately when the property is set.
DXTquality float 0.5 A flag that controls resolution of the 3-D scene. The range is from 0 through 1, where 1 has the finest resolution and highest quality.
DXTAutoScale Boolean FALSE A flag that determines whether the 3-D object is scaled. If FALSE, the object is scaled to a cube with dimensions -1 to 1 on all three axes (x, y, and z). If TRUE, the 3-D coordinates are left intact.

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