Calculate Field Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to select a mathematical operation to create a computed field. This dialog box is displayed when you choose Calculations in the Report Expression dialog box.

Dialog Box Options


Allows you to specify the point at which the expression is reset to its initial value. By default, End of Report is displayed in the list box. You can also select End of Page or End of Column. If you have specified groups in a report in the Data Grouping dialog box, the Reset box displays an item for each group in the report.


These options allow you to specify a calculation performed on the report expression.


Specifies that no calculations be made on this expression. (Default)


Counts the number of times a variable is printed per group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset list). The calculation is based on the number of times the variable occurs, not on the variable's value.


Computes the additive sum of the expression's values. This option keeps a running total of the expression values for a group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset box).


Computes the arithmetic mean (average) of the expression values within a group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset box).


Displays the lowest value that occurred in that expression for a group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset list). Initially sets the expression's value equal to the value of the first record. When a lower value is encountered, the variable's value changes accordingly.


Displays the highest value that occurred in that expression for a group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset box). Initially sets the expression's value equal to the value of the first record. When a higher value is encountered, the expression's value changes accordingly.

Standard deviation

Returns the square root of the variance for the expression values within a group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset box).


Measures the degree to which individual field values vary from the average of all the values in the group, page, column, or report (depending on your selection in the Reset box).