Report Expression Dialog Box

See Also

Defines the contents of a field control in a report. This dialog box appears when you place a field control on a report or label.

Dialog Box Options


Displays the currently selected expression, such as a table field or variable, or allows you to type a new one. Choose the dialog button to display the Expression Builder dialog box if you want to create an expression and verify it before continuing.


When a valid expression is displayed in the Expression box, you can specify a format in this text box. Choose the dialog button to display the Format (Field) dialog box if you want to specify the format for the field in your report.


Displays the Calculate Field dialog box so you can select an expression to create a computed field.

Print When

Displays the Print When dialog box so that you can specify the conditions that must be met before the text is printed in your report or label.

Object Position


Specifies that the selected field move relative to the size of the surrounding fields.

Fix Relative to Top of Band

Causes the field to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintain that position relative to the top of the band.

Fix Relative to Bottom of Band

Causes the field to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintain that position relative to the bottom of the band.

Stretch With Overflow

Causes the field to expand down the report page to display all data in the field or expression.


Allows you to add comments to the .frx or .lbx file. Comments are for reference only and do not appear anywhere in the printed report or label.

For more information, see "Adding Reports and Labels" in Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.