Code Page Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to assign a code page to a .dbf or text file that does not have one.

.Dbf and text files display properly only if they have the correct code pages. Visual FoxPro automatically assigns code pages to these files when you create them. However, .dbf and text files created in previous versions of FoxPro or in other products might not have code pages.

If you check Prompt for Code Page in the Data Tab of the Options dialog box, Visual FoxPro prompts you to specify a code page when opening tables or text files that are not marked with a code page. You can also display the Code Page dialog box with the GETCP( ) function.

Dialog Box Options


Refers to the type of operating system you are using. Your selection determines which code pages are displayed in the Code Page box.

Code Page

Lists all the code pages for the selected platform.


Designates the currently selected code page as the default.

For more information, see Chapter 18, Developing International Applications in the Programmer's Guide.