Program Menu

See Also

The options on the Program menu are used to run and test Visual FoxPro source code.

Program Menu Commands


Opens the Do dialog box where you can specify a program or form file to execute. Shortcut: CTRL+D


Ends execution of a suspended Visual FoxPro program file. Available when a program is suspended. If you cancel a program, the program variables in memory are not released.


Restarts execution of a suspended program at the line where it was suspended. Available when you stop running a program. Shortcut: CTRL+M, or type RESUME in the Command window.


Stops running the program, but keeps it open so you can resume program execution by choosing the Resume command. Available when you are running a program. You can also include the SUSPEND command in your program code to suspend execution at a particular point.


Opens the Compile dialog box, from which you can compile program, menu, or query files. If you have a program open in the Editing window, the Compile command compiles the current program without displaying any options.

Do <Program>

Runs the program displayed in the Editing window. Appears only when you open a program file. Shortcut: CTRL+E

For more information, see Chapter 1, Introduction to Programming, Chapter 13, Compiling an Application, and Chapter 14, Testing and Debugging Applications in the Programmer's Guide.

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