Project Menu

See Also

The Project menu contains options for creating and modifying projects.

Project Menu Commands

New File

Displays the New File dialog box where you can create a new file based on the type of file you select in the Project Manager. Enabled when you select a file or file type in the Project Manager. The New File command has the same effect as choosing the New button in the Project Manager.

Add File

Displays the Open dialog box so you can add an existing file to a project. This command has the same effect as choosing the Add button in the Project Manager. Enabled when you select a type of file to add in the Project Manager. The file extension and files displayed in the Open dialog box reflect your selection.

Remove File

Removes a selected file from a project and gives you the option to delete it from your hard disk. The Remove command deletes the file from the project, but not from the hard disk. The Delete command removes the selected file both from the project and the hard disk. The Remove File command has the same effect as the Remove button in the Project Manager.

Modify File

Opens either a designer or an editing window so that you can modify a file. This command is enabled if you select a database, free table, query, form, report, label, class library, program, menu, or text file in the Project Manager. The Modify File command has the same effect as the Modify button in the Project Manager.

Open File

Opens the selected database. This command appears when you open the Project Manager and select a database. It has the same effect as the Open button in the Project Manager. If the database is already open, this command changes to Close File.

Close File

Closes the selected database.  This command appears when you open the Project Manager and select a database that is currently open. It has the same effect as the Close button in the Project Manager. If the database is already closed, this command changes to Open File.

Run File

Runs the selected query, form, or program. Enabled when you select a query, form, menu, or program in the Project Manager. It has the same effect as the Run button in the Project Manager.

Browse File

Displays the selected table in a Browse window so you can view and edit its contents. The Browse command has the same effect as the Browse button in the Project Manager.

Preview File

Displays the selected report or label in Print Preview mode. Enabled when you select a report or label in the Project Manager. The Print Preview command has the same effect as the Preview button in the Project Manager.

Rename File

Displays the Rename File dialog box, where you can rename the selected file. Enabled when you have a file selected in the Project Manager.


In a project, includes a file that was previously excluded. Enabled only when you select an excluded file. All included files are compiled into the .app or .exe file, making them read-only. If you want to write to a file at run time, you should mark them as excluded.


In a project, excludes a file that was previously included. Excluded files are not compiled into the application. Enabled only when you select an included file in Project Manager. Excluded files appear with a slashed circle before their names in the Project Manager. Excluded files are listed in the Project Manager window for your reference, but you must manually distribute them if the application needs them.

Set Main

Specifies that the selected program, menu, query, or form is the application's main program; the program that is initially executed in a compiled application. You must select a program, form, or menu in the Project Manager to enable this command. When you have selected a main program, this command displays a check mark next to it whenever you have selected the main program in the Project Manager. The main program name is displayed in bold letters in the Project Manager.

Edit Description

Displays the Description dialog box in which you modify the text that appears as the file description at the bottom of the Project Manager window.

Add Project to Source Control

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to add the opened project to source control. This menu option appears if you have selected a source control provider on the Project tab of the Options dialog box.

Source Control

Displays the Source Control submenu, which allows you to access your source control related dialog boxes from within Visual FoxPro. This Project Menu option appears only if you open a source code-controlled project.

Project Information

Displays the Project Information dialog box, in which you view and edit information about the project and its files. Shortcut: CTRL+J


Shows a log of errors generated while building the application.


Displays the Build Options dialog box, in which you create a custom application or refresh an existing project.


Refreshes the project.

Clean Up Project

Runs the PACK command to decrease the size of the project (.pjx) file by permanently removing files that have been marked for deletion. When you use Remove File to remove a file from a project, the associated record remains in the project's .pjx file but is marked for deletion. If you remove several files, choose Clean-Up Project to remove records that are marked for deletion.