Replace Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you search for and replace specified text in the current file. To replace within tables, choose Replace Field from the Table menu.



Dialog Box Options

Look For

Specifies the text string to search for.

Replace With

Specifies the replacement text.


Defines the limits and direction of the search and replace. If you specify text to search for and do not get the expected results, make sure you have the following options selected:


Defines how extensive the search is. The Scope options are enabled when you are editing a procedure in a Code window.

Find Next

Finds the next occurrence of the string you typed in the Look For box. This button is not enabled until you type text in the Look For box.


Changes the selected text to the text in the Replace With box. If you want to leave the selected text unchanged and move to the next occurrence, choose the Find Next button.

Replace All

Finds and replaces all instances of the text in the Find What box with the text in the Replace With box. You can undo the replacements by choosing the Undo command.