ComboBox Control

Properties   Events   Methods   See Also

Creates a combo box.




When selected, the ComboBox control opens, displaying a list of items from which you can choose one. A ComboBox control combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control. You can enter information in the text box portion or select an item from the list box portion of the control.

An item in a ComboBox control can be disabled by placing a backslash (\) before the item. If the item begins with a backslash and should not be disabled, add an additional backslash.

The Style property determines the ComboBox control type. If the Style property is set to 0, a drop-down ComboBox control is created. If the Style property is set to 2, a drop-down list box is created.

For additional information about ComboBox controls, see the Form Designer topic and Chapter 10, Using Controls, in the Programmer's Guide.