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ENDHOLD Attribute | endHold Property

This document describes technologies available as an experimental implementation of HTML+TIME within Internet Explorer 5. While we encourage you to evaluate these features and to send us your feedback, please note that these features are subject to change.

Sets or retrieves whether an element remains active if its timeline ends before the timeline on its parent element ends.


HTML <ELEMENT STYLE="behavior:url(#default#time);" t:ENDHOLD = bHold... >
Scripting object.endHold [ = bHold ]

Possible Values

bHold Boolean that specifies one of the following values:
true Element is frozen at the end of its local timeline. This last snapshot of the element displays until the end of the element's parent timeline is reached.
false Element is not held until the end of the parent timeline is reached.

The property is read/write with a default value of false. This property cannot be modified in script after the onload event fires on the document body.


This property does not affect the defined duration (DUR) of the timeline, nor the timeline's defined END time. However, the ENDHOLD attribute does affect the display of the element between the end of the element's timeline and the end of the parent element's timeline. For example, suppose an element has an end value of 10 seconds and its parent element has an end value of 15 seconds. In this case, the ENDHOLD attribute defines whether the element displays during the five-second interval (seconds 11 through 15) after the timeline ends.

The prefix t is used to associate this attribute with an XML namespace.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]
animation, audio, img, media, par, seq, time, video

See Also


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