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Default Behaviors Reference

DHTML Behaviors provide a means for Web developers to extend the Microsoft® Internet Explorer current object model. A number of behaviors have been implemented as part of Internet Explorer 5 and are referred to as default behaviors.

The following links provide access to the object model exposed by these default behaviors.


anchor anim animation audio
clientCaps download homePage httpFolder
img media par saveFavorite
saveHistory saveSnapshot seq time
userData video    


accelerate autoReverse availHeight availWidth
begin beginAfter beginEvent beginWith
bufferDepth clipBegin clipEnd clockSource
colorDepth connectionType cookieEnabled cpuClass
currTime decelerate dur end
endEvent endHold eventRestart expires
folder height image img
javaEnabled localTime onOffBehavior platform
player playerObject progressBehavior repeat
repeatDur sound src statics
syncBehavior syncTolerance systemLanguage target
timeAction timeline timelineBehavior timeStartRule
type userLanguage width XMLDocument


addComponentRequest addDABehavior beginElement clearComponentRequest
compareVersions doComponentRequest endElement getAttribute
getComponentVersion isComponentInstalled isHomePage load
navigate navigateFrame navigateHomePage pause
removeAttribute removeDABehavior resume save
setAttribute setHomePage startDownload  


onbegin onend onload onmediacomplete
onmedialoadfailed onmediaslip onpause onrepeat
onresume onresync onreverse onsave

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