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styleSheets Collection

Retrieves a collection of styleSheet objects representing the style sheets that correspond to each instance of a LINK or STYLE object in the document.


[ collStyleSheets = ] document.styleSheets
[ oObject = ] document.styleSheets(vIndex [, iSubIndex] )

Possible Values

collStyleSheets Array of styleSheet objects.
oObject Reference to an individual item in the array of elements contained by the object.
vIndexRequired. Integer or string that specifies the element or collection to retrieve. If this parameter is an integer, the method returns the element in the collection at the given position, where the first element has value 0, the second has 1, and so on. If this parameter is a string and there is more than one element with the name or id property equal to the string, the method returns a collection of matching elements.
iSubIndexOptional. Position of an element to retrieve. This parameter is used when vIndex is a string. The method uses the string to construct a collection of all elements that have a name or id property equal to the string, and then retrieves from this collection the element at the position specified by iSubIndex.



Style sheets that are imported using the @import rule and are contained within the STYLE object are available through the imports collection.


This example shows how to display the titles of the style sheets in the document.

for ( i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++ )
    alert("Style sheet " + i + " is titled " + document.styleSheets(i).title);

Applies To

[ Object Name ]


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