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TextRectangle Collection

Returns a collection of TextRectangle objects.



The collection returns an empty collection for objects that do not have text.

If the window is resized, the collection is not updated. Because the collection is a snapshot of the layout, always update the collection following the onresize event.

The TextRectangle collection is available as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.


This example shows how to use the getClientRects method and the TextRectangle collection to iterate through the lines of text in an object.

function newHighlite(obj) {            
  oRcts = obj.getClientRects();
  iLength = oRcts.length
  for (i = 0;i < iLength; i++)
    alert("Line number " + (i + 1) + " is " + 
         (oRcts(i).right - oRcts(i).left) + " pixels wide.")

See Also


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