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onrowsdelete Event

Fires when rows are about to be deleted from the recordset.


Inline HTML <ELEMENT onrowsdelete = "handler" ... > All platforms
Event property object.onrowsdelete = handler JScript (compatible with ECMA 262 language specification) only
Named script <SCRIPT FOR = object EVENT = onrowsdelete> Internet Explorer only


Bubbles Yes
Cancels No
To invoke Fires when the delete method is called on the recordset.
Default action Signals that rows are about to be deleted.

Event Object Properties

Although event handlers in the DHTML Object Model do not receive parameters directly, the handler can query the event object for data.

Event Object Properties

bookmarksReturns a collection of ADO bookmarks tied to the rows affected by the current event.
boundElementsReturns a collection of all elements on the page bound to a dataset.
cancelBubbleSets or retrieves whether the current event should bubble up the hierarchy of event handlers.
dataFldSets or retrieves which field of a given data source (as specified by the dataSrc property) to bind to the given object.
reasonRetrieves the result of data transfer for a data source object.
recordsetRetrieves a reference to the default recordset from a data source object.
srcElementRetrieves the object that fired the event.
typeRetrieves the event name from the event object.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]

See Also

Data Binding

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