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doReadRequest Method

Performs all requests located in the read-requests queue.


bSuccess = userProfile.doReadRequest(vUsageCode [, vFriendlyName]
     [, vDomain] [, vPath] [, vExpiration] [, vReserved])


vUsageCodeRequired. Variant that specifies the code that notifies the user of the type of access requested. This usage code should be one of the following 13 codes defined by the Internet Privacy Working Group (IPWG).
0Used for system administration.
1Used for research and/or product development.
2Used for completion and support of the current transaction.
3Used to customize the content and design of a site.
4Used to improve the content of a site that includes advertisements.
5Used for notifying visitors about updates to the site.
6Used for contacting visitors for marketing of services or products.
7Used for linking other collected information.
8Used by a site for other purposes.
9Disclosed to others for customization or improvement of the content and design of the site.
10Disclosed to others, who may contact the user, for marketing of services and/or products.
11Disclosed to others, who may contact the user, for marketing of services and/or products. The user can ask a site not to do this.
12Disclosed to others for any other purpose.
vFriendlyNameOptional. Variant that specifies the friendly name of the party requesting access to private information. For security reasons, it is not sufficient for the user agent to display this friendly name to the user. In addition to displaying the friendly name, the user agent must display the URL that originates the script requesting profile access. If this script originates from a secure connection (for example, SSL), the Web author can use the SSL certificate to reliably identify the party requesting access.
vDomainOptional. Variant that specifies the pages that the user's choice applies to in the future, in addition to the current page. The specification follows the cookie standard (see RFC-2109)Non-MS link
vPathOptional. Variant that specifies the path to the domain server requesting access. When vExpiration is set, the path is saved with the requested attributes.
vExpirationOptional. Variant that specifies the amount of time the site has requested access to these attributes. This is currently ignored by Internet Explorer.
vReservedOptional. This parameter is reserved.

Return Value

Boolean. Returns true if successful, or false otherwise.


If the site does not have read access, the user is prompted with a list of requested attributes and can choose to allow or deny access.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]

See Also

addReadRequest, clearRequest, getAttribute

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