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findText Method

Searches for text in the document, and positions the start and end points of the range to encompass the search string.


bFound = TextRange.findText(sText [, iSearchScope]  [, iFlags])


sTextRequired. String that specifies the text to find.
iSearchScopeOptional. Integer that specifies the number of characters to search from the starting point of the range. A positive integer indicates a forward search; a negative integer indicates a backward search.
iFlagsOptional. Integer that specifies one or more of the following flags to indicate the type of search:
2Match whole words only.
4Match case.

Return Value

Boolean. Returns true if the search text is found, or false otherwise.


A range has two distinct states: degenerate and nondegenerate.

A degenerate range is like a text editor caret (insertion point)—it does not actually select any characters. Instead, it specifies a point between two characters. The end points of a degenerate range are adjacent.

A nondegenerate range is like a text editor selection, in that it selects a certain amount of text. The end points of a nondegenerate range are not adjacent.

The value passed for the iSearchScope parameter controls the part of the document, relative to the range, that is searched. The behavior of the findText method depends on whether the state is degenerate or nondegenerate:

This feature might not be available on non-Win32® platforms. For the latest information about Internet Explorer cross-platform compatibility, see article Q172976 Non-MSDN link in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

A text range is not modified if the text specified for the findText method is not found.


This example creates a TextRange over the body of the document, and then uses the findText method to search for text with various flag combinations. The results are indicated in the example code comments.

Sample Code

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the great masters of the High 
Renaissance, especially in painting, sculpture, architecture, 
engineering, and science.

   var oRange = document.body.createTextRange();
      // record the current position in a bookmark
   var sBookMark = oRange.getBookmark();  
      // true - case-insensitive and partial word match
      // reset the range using the bookmark
      // false - matches whole words only 
   oRange.findText('engineer', 0, 2);    
      // false - case-sensitive
   oRange.findText('high', 0, 4);        
      // true - case-sensitive and matches whole words
   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 0, 6);    

      // the degenerate case
      // make the range degenerate
      // false - must specify large character count in this case
   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 0, 6);
      // true - no third parameter passed, so no count needed
      // true - a large count covers the range
   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 1000000000, 6);    

Applies To

[ Object Name ]


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