Moves the start and end positions of the text range to the given point.
TextRange.moveToPoint(iX, iY)
iX Required. Integer that specifies the horizontal offset relative to the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels. iY Required. Integer that specifies the vertical offset relative to the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels.
Return Value
No return value.
The coordinates of the point must be in pixels and be relative to the upper-left corner of the window. The resulting text range is empty, but you can expand and move the range using methods such as expand and moveEnd.
This feature might not be available on non-Win32® platforms. For the latest information about Internet Explorer cross-platform compatibility, see article Q172976
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
This example uses the moveToPoint method to move the text range to the point where the user clicked the mouse, expands the range, and selects the text within the new range.
<SCRIPT FOR=document EVENT=onclick LANGUAGE="JScript"> var rng = document.body.createTextRange(); rng.moveToPoint(window.event.x, window.event.y); rng.expand("word");; </SCRIPT>
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