Designates the ruby text for the RUBY element.
HTML Syntax
<RT CLASS=classname DIR=LTR | RTL ID=value LANG=language LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT | JSCRIPT | VBSCRIPT | VBS NAME=name STYLE=css1-properties TITLE=text event = script >
A ruby is an annotation or pronunciation guide for a string of text. The string of text annotated with a ruby is referred to as the base.
The ruby text specified by the RT element is positioned above or inline with the rubyPosition property. Browsers that do not support the RT element render the ruby text inline with the base text.
The RT element is an inline element and does not require a closing tag.
This element is available in HTML and script as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.
This example uses the RT element to specify a string of text as an annotation or pronunciation guide to the base text.
<RUBY> Base Text <RT>Ruby Text </RUBY>
See Also