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indeterminate Property

Sets or retrieves whether the user has changed the status of a check box.


Scriptingcheckbox.indeterminate [ = bDim ]

Possible Values

bDim Boolean that specifies one of the following values:
falseCheck box is not dimmed.
trueCheck box is checked and dimmed.

The property is read/write with a default value of false.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see Dynamic Properties.


The indeterminate property can be used to indicate whether the user has acted on the control. For example, setting the indeterminate to true causes the check box to appear checked and dimmed, indicating an indeterminate state.

The value of the indeterminate property acts independently of the values of the checked and status properties. Creating an indeterminate state is different from disabling the control. Consequently, a check box in the indeterminate state can still receive the focus. When the user clicks an indeterminate control, the indeterminate state turns off and the checked state of the check box toggles.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]
INPUT type=checkbox

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