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REV Attribute | rev Property

Sets or retrieves the relationship(s) between the object and the destination of the link.


HTML<ELEMENT REV = sRelation ... >
Scriptingobject.rev [ = sRelation ]

Possible Values

sRelation String that specifies one or more of the following space-delimited values, in any order:
AlternateSubstitute version of the file containing the link.
AppendixPage that is an appendix for the set of pages.
ChapterPage is a chapter for a set of pages.
ContentsTable of contents document.
CopyrightCopyright notice for the current page.
GlossaryGlossary for the current page.
HelpHelp document.
IndexIndex document for the current page.
NextNext document in a sequence.
PrevPrevious document in a sequence.
SectionPage is a section for a set of pages.
StartFirst document of a set.
StylesheetStyle sheet.
SubsectionPage is a subsection for a set of pages.

The property is read/write with no default value.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see Dynamic Properties.


The rev property is similar to the rel property, but the semantics of these two properties' link types are in the reverse direction. For example, a link from A to B with REL="X" expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REV="X". An anchor can have both rel and rev properties.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]


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