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ROWS Attribute | rows Property

Sets or retrieves the frame heights of the object.


HTML<FRAMESET ROWS = sHeight ... >
Scriptingobject.rows [ = sHeight ... ]

Possible Values

sHeight String that specifies one or more of the following comma-delimited values:
heightInteger that specifies the frame height, in pixels.
percentageInteger, followed by a %. The value is a percentage of total available height.
height*Integer that specifies the frame height as a relative value. After allocating pixel or percentage values, the remaining space is divided among all relative-sized frames.

The property is read/write with no default value.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see Dynamic Properties.


The number of comma-separated items is equal to the number of frames contained within the FRAMESET, while the value of each item determines the frame height.


This example defines a two-row frame, with the first occupying 40 percent of the available height and the second occupying the remaining 60 percent.

Sample Code

<FRAMESET ROWS="40%, 60%">

This example defines a four-row frame. The first is 50 pixels high and the fourth is 80 pixels high. The second occupies two-thirds of the remaining height, while the third occupies the final one-third of the remaining height.

<FRAMESET ROWS="50, 2*, *, 80">

Applies To

[ Object Name ]


See Also


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