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Create a Text Link for HTML Help ActiveX Control Commands

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

Using the HTML Help ActiveX control and JavaScript, you can create text links in an HTML file (such as a Related Topics links, Keyword links, or Associative links) that have the same effect as adding a button. By default, the ActiveX control will add a button to the help topic. When a user clicks the button, a list of topics will appear. Alternatively, the user can click a text link.

To create a text link you must use a scripting language, such as JavaScript. You reference an instance of the ActiveX control and the command you want to use, and then link it to the text. For detailed information about using the Click and HHClick methods for text links, see the HTML Help ActiveX control reference.

What do you want to do?

Topic Link Learn how to create a link to a command without using a button
Topic Link See an example of a text link used with an ALink
Topic link Assign a window type to a topic when linking
Home page link About working with links

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