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Example: Internet Explorer 3.02 Cascading Style Sheet

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

/* Microsoft HTML Help WorkShop CSS*/

body{font-size: 75%; font-family: Verdana,Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
a:link  {background: transparent; color: #0000FF;} 
a:visited {color: #800080;}

h1{font-weight: bold; font-size: 55%;margin-bottom: -2.2em;}

li{margin-top: 4pt;}
ul li{padding-top: 4pt;}
ol li{padding-bottom: 4pt;}
ul{margin-left: -15pt; margin-top: -7em;}
ol{margin-left: -15pt; margin-top: -7em;}
ol ul{margin-top: 0em; list-style: disc;}
code{font-family: Courier;}
pre{font-family: Courier;}
table{width: auto; text-align: left; font-size: 75%; font-size: +12;}
th{text-align: left;}
td{margin-right: 0em;}
img{margin-top: -4pt;}  

/* Overview heading   */
h5.overh{font-size: 120%;}        
h5{font-size: 100%;}           

/* Procedure heading  */
h5.proch{font-size: 100%;}          

/* Decision heading   */
h5.what{font-size: 100%; color: #993399;}           

/* Note & Tip heading */
h5.note{font-size: 95%;}


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