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Close Command

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999


Closes the window in which the current topic appears.

You can use the Close command to close a secondary window that does not include a Close button.

The Close command could also be used with a help wizard. For example, a user could answer the question "Did this solve your problem?" by clicking No, which would link to the next topic, or clicking Yes, which would close the window.

This command can be used only with a compiled help (.chm) file.


<PARAM  name="Command" value="Close">

[<PARAM name="Button" value="[Text: Button text|Bitmap: Bitmap file path|Icon:Icon file path]">]
[<PARAM name="Font" value="Facename[, point size[, charset[, color[, PLAIN BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE]]]]">]
[<PARAM name="Text" value="Text: Link text">]

Property Description
Button Specifies the button style. Optional.
Command Calls the Close command.
Font Specifies the font attributes. Optional.
Text Specifies the link text. Optional.



<PARAM name="Command" value="Close">
<PARAM name="Button" value="Text:Close this window!"> </OBJECT>


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