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Converting Existing Help Projects

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

You can use HTML Help Workshop to convert existing WinHelp projects. When you convert a WinHelp project to an HTML Help project, the New Project Wizard converts the WinHelp project (.hpj) file to an HTML Help project (.hhp) file, the WinHelp topic (.rtf) files to HTML Help topic (.htm, .html) files, the WinHelp contents (.cnt) files to HTML Help contents (.hhc) files, and the WinHelp index to an HTML Help index (.hhk) files.

WinHelp art files (.bmp or .wmf files) will be converted to HTML image files (.gif or .jpeg files) if your target browser program, such as Internet Explorer 3.0, requires this format, or to .png image files if your target browser program, such as Internet Explorer 4.0, supports them.

What do you want to do?

Topic link Convert an existing help project to an HTML Help project
Topic link Compile or test an HTML Help project

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