To Add a Full-Text Search Stop List to a Help Project
Microsoft Corporation
Updated June 10, 1999
- Create a full-text serch stop list.
- Open a project (.hhp) file, and then click Change Project Options.
- Click the Files tab, and then enter the name of your stop list (.stp) file in the Full text search stop list file box.
- A stop list decreases the size of the full-text search index, which results in a smaller compiled help (.chm) file because fewer words are indexed. This is especially important if you have a large documentation set. All words in the stop list are omitted from the search. These are usually commonly occurring words or numbers, such as "the," "and," or "1" that a user is unlikely to search for.
- You can create a full-text search stop list from the sample list that comes with HTML Help Workshop, and then include it in your project file.
- For the 1.2 release of HTML Help, the size of this file is limited to 512 bytes.