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HH_FTS_QUERY Structure

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

Use this structure for full-text search.

Used by

HH_FTS_QUERY structure syntax

typedef struct tagHH_FTS_QUERY

int cbStruct;
BOOL fUniCodeStrings;
LPCTSTR pszSearchQuery;
LONG iProximity;
BOOL fStemmedSearch;
BOOL fTitleOnly;
BOOL fExecute;
LPCTSTR pszWindow;

Member Description
cbStruct Specifies the size of the structure.
fUniCodeStrings TRUE if all strings are Unicode.
pszSearchQuery String containing the search query.
iProximity Word proximity.
fStemmedSearch TRUE for StemmedSearch only.
fTitleOnly TRUE for Title search only.
fExecute TRUE to initiate the search.
pszWindow Window to display in.

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