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Distribute Help over the Internet

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

Help topics distributed over the Internet are usually accessed by users who visit a World Wide Web site. The World Wide Web is a graphical system of moving through the Internet using hyperlinks. All or part of a Web site can contain help topics that a user can view, copy, or download to their computer.

HTML files distributed on the Internet can potentially reach millions of people around the world. Any help topics you publish to the Web should be designed with this in mind. The information in them should be accessible to a wide variety of users.

What do you want to know more about?

Topic link Setting up information types to select the audience that topics will be delivered to
Topic link Planning for help Web site updating and management
Topic link Registering your help Web site with search engines
Topic link Creating help
Home page link Distributing topics over the Internet, an intranet, or an extranet

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