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About Changing the Size and Position of a Window

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

The information you present in your help topics generally determines how large your help window should be and where it should be placed on the user's screen.

You can either use the default size and position for the Help Viewer or your help windows, or specify the size and position that you want. The default position for the Help Viewer is in the center of the user's screen. The default position for secondary windows is in the upper-right corner of the user's screen.

Your help windows automatically shift down or to the left to prevent any conflicts with the Windows taskbar. If you specify a size and/or position for a window, make sure you leave enough space above the taskbar when designing your help window size and position.

You may also need to adjust your window size to ensure that all tabs in the navigation pane display the way you want them to.

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