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IDocHostShowUI::ShowMessage Method

Called by MSHTML when it needs to display a message box.


HRESULT ShowMessage( 
    HWND hwnd,
    LPOLESTR lpstrText,
    LPOLESTR lpstrCaption,
    DWORD dwType,
    LPOLESTR lpstrHelpFile,
    DWORD dwHelpContext,
    LRESULT *plResult


Handle to the owner window.
Address of a string containing the text for the message box.
Address of a string containing the caption for the message box.
DWORD containing the flag type (taken from the MessageBox MB_xxxx constants).
Address of a string containing the Help file name.
DWORD containing the Help context identifier.
Address of an LRESULT which indicates what button the user clicked(taken from the MessageBox IDxxx constants).

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Host displayed its UI. MSHTML will not display its message box.
S_FALSE Host did not display its UI. MSHTML will display its message box.

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