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Used by the IDocHostUIHandler::GetHostInfo method to allow MSHTML to retrieve information about the host's UI requirements.


typedef struct _DOCHOSTUIINFO{
    ULONG cbSize; 
    DWORD dwFlags; 
    DWORD dwDoubleClick;
    OLECHAR *pchHostCss;
    OLECHAR *pchHostNS; 


Integer containing the size of this structure, in bytes.
One or more of the DOCHOSTUIFLAG values that specify the UI capabilities of the host.
One of the DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK values that specify the operation that should take place in response to a double-click.
Address of a set of cascading style sheets (CSS) rules sent down by the host. These CSS rules affect the page containing them.
Address of a semicolon-delimited namespace list. This list allows the host to supply a namespace declaration for custom tags on the page.

Structure Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode structures.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later. Implemented as ANSI and Unicode structures.
Header Mshtmhst.h; Mshtmhst.idl
Minimum availability Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

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