This interface specifies a type of input control.
IHTMLInputImage Methods
get_align Retrieves how the element is aligned with adjacent text. get_alt Retrieves the optional text as an alternative to the graphic for rendering in nongraphical environments. Alternate text should be provided whenever the graphic is not rendered. Alternate text is mandatory for Level 0 documents. get_border Retrieves the current thickness of the border around the element. get_complete Retrieves whether the specified element is fully loaded. get_disabled Determines whether the control is enabled or disabled. get_dynsrc Retrieves the address of a video clip or VRML world to be displayed in the window. get_height Retrieves the calculated height of the element, in pixels. get_hspace Retrieves the horizontal margins for the element. get_loop Retrieves the number of times a video loops when activated. get_lowsrc Retrieves the URL of a lower-resolution image to display. get_name Retrieves the name of the frame so it can be targeted from links in other documents. get_onabort Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onabort event for an INPUT type=image element. An onabort event occurs when the loading of a document or image causes an error. get_onerror Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onerror event for an INPUT type=image element. An onerror event occurs when the loading of a document or image causes an error. get_onload Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onload event for an INPUT type=image element. An onload event occurs immediately after the browser loads the given object. get_readyState Retrieves the current state of an object being downloaded. get_src Retrieves the URL of the image. get_start Retrieves when a video clip should start playing. get_type Retrieves the type of intrinsic control represented by the given element object. get_vrml Retrieves the URL of the VRML world to be displayed in the window. get_vspace Retrieves the vertical margins for the element. get_width Retrieves the calculated width of the element, in pixels. put_align Sets how the element is aligned with adjacent text. put_alt Indicates optional text as an alternative to the graphic for rendering in nongraphical environments. Alternate text should be provided whenever the graphic is not rendered. Alternate text is mandatory for Level 0 documents. put_border Sets the thickness of the border around the element. put_disabled Enables or disables the control. A disabled control appears dimmed and does not respond to user input. put_dynsrc Sets the address of a video clip or VRML world to be displayed in the window. put_height Sets the calculated height of the element, in pixels. put_hspace Sets the horizontal margins for the element. put_loop Sets the number of times a video will loop when activated. put_lowsrc Specifies the URL of a lower-resolution image to display. put_name Sets the name of the frame so it can be targeted from links in other documents. put_onabort Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onabort event for an INPUT type=image element. An onabort event occurs when the loading of a document or image causes an error. put_onerror Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onerror event for an INPUT type=image element. An onerror event occurs when the loading of a document or image causes an error. put_onload Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onload event for an INPUT type=image element. An onload event occurs immediately after the browser loads the given object. put_src Sets the URL of an image to be shown. put_start Specifies when a video clip file should start playing. put_vrml Specifies the URL of a VRML world to be displayed in the window. put_vspace Sets the vertical margins for the element. put_width Sets the calculated width of the element, in pixels.
Interface Information
Implementation System (Mshtml.dll) Inherits from IDispatch Header and IDL files Mshtml.h, Mshtml.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
See Also