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IHTMLTxtRange::setEndPoint Method

Sets the end point of one text range based on the end point of another.


HRESULT setEndPoint(
    BSTR how,
    IHTMLTxtRange *SourceRange


String (BSTR) describing the end points. It can be one of the following values:

StartToEnd Sets start point of the current range to the end point of the given range.
StartToStart Sets start point of the current range to the start point of the given range.
EndToStart Setx end point of the current range to the start point of the given range.
EndToEnd Sets end point of the current range to the end point of the given range.

Interface pointer of the range object to be used for setting the end point of the current range.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.


A text range has two end points. One end point is located at the beginning of the text range, while the other is located at the end of the text range. An end point also can be characterized as the position between two characters in an HTML document.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also


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