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DWebBrowserEvents2::NewWindow2 Method

Occurs when a new window is to be created for displaying a resource.


void NewWindow2(
    IDispatch** ppDisp,
    VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel


[out] Address of an interface pointer that, optionally, receives the IDispatch interface pointer of a new WebBrowser or InternetExplorer object.
[out] Address of a cancel flag. An application can set this parameter to TRUE to cancel the navigation operation, or FALSE to allow it to proceed.

Return Value

No return value.


In Microsoft® Internet Explorer, this event is not fired when the user selects Window from the New option on the File menu. This event precedes the creation of a new window from within the WebBrowser (for example, in response to a navigation targeted to a new window, or to a scripted method).

The application processing this notification can respond in one of three ways:

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also

Microsoft Knowledge Base HOWTO: Cause navigation to occur in same Internet Explorer 4 Web[axsdk] Non-MSDN link, Microsoft Knowledge Base HOWTO: Use the WebBrowser Control NewWindow2 Event Non-MSDN link

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