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IWebBrowser2 Interface

This interface enables applications to implement an instance of the WebBrowser control (ActiveX® control) or control an instance of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application (OLE Automation).

IWebBrowser2 Methods

ClientToWindow Converts the client coordinates of a point to window coordinates.
ExecWB Implements a wrapper that allows you to execute a command on an OLE object using the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method.
get_AddressBar Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the Internet Explorer object's address bar is visible.
get_Application Retrieves the automation interface supported by the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application.
get_Busy Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether Microsoft® Internet Explorer is engaged in a downloading operation or other activity.
get_Container Retrieves a pointer to the IDispatch interface of the container.
get_Document Retrieves a pointer to the IDispatch interface of the Active Document object.
get_FullName Retrieves the fully qualified path of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer executable file.
get_FullScreen Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether Microsoft® Internet Explorer is in full-screen or normal window mode.
get_Height Retrieves the height of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
get_HWND Retrieves the handle to the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
get_Left Retrieves the screen coordinate of the left edge of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
get_LocationName Retrieves the name of the resource that Microsoft® Internet Explorer is currently displaying.
get_LocationURL Retrieves the URL of the resource that Microsoft® Internet Explorer is currently displaying.
get_MenuBar Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer menu bar is visible.
get_Name Retrieves the name of the object that contains the WebBrowser control used by Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
get_Offline Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is currently operating in offline mode.
get_Parent Retrieves a pointer to the IDispatch interface of the object that is the container of the WebBrowser control.
get_Path Retrieves the full path of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application.
get_ReadyState Retrieves the ready state of the object.
get_RegisterAsBrowser Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a top-level browser for target name resolution.
get_RegisterAsDropTarget Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a drop target for navigation.
get_Resizable Retrieves the InternetExplorer object's resizable property.
get_Silent Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether any dialog boxes can be shown.
get_StatusBar Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer status bar is visible.
get_StatusText Retrieves the text of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer status bar.
get_TheaterMode Retrieves a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is in theater mode.
get_ToolBar Retrieves a value that indicates whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer toolbar is visible.
get_Top Retrieves the screen coordinate of the top edge of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
get_TopLevelContainer Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether Microsoft® Internet Explorer is the top-level container of the WebBrowser control.
get_Type Retrieves the type name of the contained document object.
get_Visible Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the object is visible or hidden.
get_Width Retrieves the width of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
GetProperty Retrieves the value of a property associated with the given object.
GoBack Navigates backward one item in the history list.
GoForward Navigates forward one item in the history list.
GoHome Navigates to the current home or start page.
GoSearch Navigates to the current search page.
Navigate Navigates to a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or to the file identified by a full path.
Navigate2 Navigates the browser to a location that may not be able to be expressed as a URL, such as a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) for an entity in the Windows shell namespace.
put_AddressBar Shows or hides the Microsoft® Internet Explorer object's address bar.
put_FullScreen Sets Microsoft® Internet Explorer to either full-screen or normal window mode.
put_Height Sets the height of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
put_Left Sets the horizontal position of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
put_MenuBar Shows or hides the Microsoft® Internet Explorer menu bar.
put_Offline Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is currently operating in offline mode. In offline mode, the browser is forced to read HTML pages from the local cache rather than from the source document.
put_RegisterAsBrowser Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a top-level browser for target name resolution.
put_RegisterAsDropTarget Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a drop target for navigation.
put_Resizable Sets the Microsoft® Internet Explorer object's resizable property.
put_Silent Sets a value indicating whether any dialog boxes can be shown.
put_StatusBar Shows or hides the Microsoft® Internet Explorer status bar.
put_StatusText Sets the text of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer status bar.
put_TheaterMode Sets the TheaterMode property for the WebBrowser control.
put_ToolBar Shows or hides the Microsoft® Internet Explorer toolbar.
put_Top Sets the vertical position of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
put_Visible Sets the visibility state of the object.
put_Width Sets the width of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer main window.
PutProperty Sets the value of a property associated with the given object.
QueryStatusWB Implements a wrapper that allows you to query an OLE object for the status of commands using the IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus method.
Quit Closes the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application.
Refresh Reloads the file that Microsoft® Internet Explorer is currently displaying.
Refresh2 Reloads the file that Microsoft® Internet Explorer is currently displaying. Unlike IWebBrowser2::Refresh, this method contains a parameter that specifies the refresh level.
ShowBrowserBar Shows or hides a specified browser bar.
Stop Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.

Interface Information

Implementation Mshtml.dll
Inherits from IDispatch
Header and IDL files Exdisp.h
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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