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WebBrowser Properties

This section describes the properties associated with the WebBrowser control.

AddressBar Returns or sets a value that determines whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application URL address bar is visible or hidden.
Application Returns the automation object supported by the application that contains the WebBrowser control, if the object is accessible; otherwise, this property returns the WebBrowser control's automation object.
Busy Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the WebBrowser control or Microsoft® Internet Explorer application is engaged in a navigation or downloading operation. If the control is busy, you can use the Stop method to cancel the navigation or download operation before it is completed.
Container Returns an object that evaluates to the container of the WebBrowser control, if any.
Document Returns the automation object of the active document, if any. This provides access to the contents of the HTML document through the object model. For more information, see the document object section in the Dynamic HTML reference.
FullName Returns a string that evaluates to the fully qualified path of the executable file that contains the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application.
FullScreen Returns or sets a value indicating whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer window is maximized.
Height Returns or sets the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the frame window that contains the WebBrowser control.
Left Returns or sets the distance between the internal left edge of the WebBrowser control and the left edge of its container.
LocationName Returns a string that contains the name of the resource that the WebBrowser control is currently displaying. If the resource is an HTML page on the World Wide Web, the name is the title of that page. If the resource is a folder or file on the network or local computer, the name is the full path of the folder or file in the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format.
LocationURL Returns a string that contains the URL of the resource that the WebBrowser control or Microsoft® Internet Explorer application is currently displaying. If the resource is a folder or file on the network or local computer, the name is the full path of the folder or file in the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format.
MenuBar Returns or sets a value that determines whether the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application menu bar is visible or hidden.
Name Returns a string that evaluates to the name of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application—that is, Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Offline Returns or sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is currently operating in offline mode. In offline mode, the browser is forced to read HTML pages from the local cache rather than from the source document.
Parent Returns an object that evaluates to the form on which the WebBrowser control is located, or to the automation object supported by Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
Path Returns a string that evaluates to the full path of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer application.
ReadyState Retrieves the ready state of the object. This will be one of the READYSTATE values.
RegisterAsBrowser Returns or sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a top-level browser for target name resolution.
RegisterAsDropTarget Returns or sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a drop target for navigation.
Resizable Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether the object can be resized.
Silent Returns or sets a value indicating whether any dialog boxes can be shown.
StatusBar Returns or sets a value that determines whether the status bar is visible.
StatusText Returns or sets the text for the status bar.
TheaterMode Returns or sets a value indicating whether Microsoft® Internet Explorer is in theater or normal window mode. In theater mode, the Internet Explorer main window fills the entire screen and displays a toolbar with a minimal set of navigational buttons. A status bar is also provided in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Channels, Search, History, and Favorites browser bars appear (if enabled) as an autohide pane on the left edge of the screen in theater mode.
ToolBar Returns or sets a value that determines whether the toolbar is visible.
Top Returns or sets the distance between the internal top edge of the WebBrowser control and the top edge of its container.
TopLevelContainer Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given object is a top-level container.
Type Returns a string expression that specifies the type name of the contained document object—that is, Windows HTML Viewer.
Visible Returns or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible or hidden.
WebBrowser This section describes the properties associated with the WebBrowser control.
Width Returns or sets the horizontal dimension, in pixels, of the frame window that contains the WebBrowser control.

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