ScrollStyleX: Sets the horizontal scroll style. Valid values are Bounce and Circular (default).
ScrollStyleY: Sets the vertical scroll style. Valid values are Bounce and Circular (default).
ScrollDelay: Sets the time in milliseconds between each movement of the URL in the marquee window. Valid values are positive integers. Default is 100.
LoopsX: Sets the number of times the image scrolls horizontally if ScrollStyleX is Circular, or sets the number of times the image bounces if ScrollStyleX is Bounce. Valid values are integers above or equal to -1. Zero indicates that a horizontal slide is to occur, -1 indicates that the image will never stop (infinite). The default is -1 (infinite).
LoopsY: Sets the number of times the image scrolls vertically if ScrollStyleY is Circular, or sets the number of times the image bounces if ScrollStyleY is Bounce. Valid values are integers above or equal to -1. Zero indicates that a vertical slide is to occur, -1 indicates that the image will never stop (infinite). The default is -1 (infinite).
ScrollPixelsX: Sets the number of pixels to move the URL horizontally in the marquee window each ScrollDelay milliseconds. Valid values are integers. The default is 75 pixels.
ScrollPixelsY: Vertical counterpart of ScrollPixelX, except that the default is zero.
szURL: Sets the URL to scroll.
DrawImmediately: Determines whether you want to progressively render the URLs. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default is 1.
Whitespace: Sets the whitespace between URLs and/or tiled images. Valid values are non-negative integers. The default is zero.
PageFlippingOn: Determines whether the marquee will flip between multiple URLs (instead of creating one scrolling image) when the user presses the right mouse button or via the put_CurrentURL automation function. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default is 0.
Zoom: Sets the percentage of the original size you want the scrolling URLs to be. Valid values are positive integers. The default is 100.
WidthOfPage: Sets the width, in pixels, used to format the text of the URL. Valid values are positive integers. The default is 640.
AboutBox: Displays the About dialog box
Pause: Stops the scrolling of the marquee
Resume: Restarts the scrolling of the marquee
HRESULT insertURL([in] int iURLtoInsertAfter, [in] BSTR bstrURL); inserts a new URL after the existing URL at iURLtoInsertAfter
HRESULT deleteURL([in] int iURLtoDelete); deletes the URL at index iURLtoDelete
HRESULT queryURL([in] int iURLtoGet, [out] BSTR *pbstrURL); gets the URL at iURLtoGet and returns it in pbstrURL
HRESULT queryURLCount([out] int *pcURL); gets the number of URLs in the list
void OnStartOfImage(void); is issued just before the URL to be scrolled appears in the marquee window.
void OnEndOfImage(int HorizontalOrVertical); is issued when the image has been completely scrolled. For example, it can be used to let VBScript change the contents of another control after the image has stopped moving. Since the horizontal and vertical scrolling could end at different times (different loops), which one has ended is indicated by the HorizontalOrVertical value (returns "H" for horizontal, "V" for vertical).
OnBounce(int SideBouncedOff); is fired only in bounce mode, and the image being scrolled bounces off a side. SideBouncedOff returns the side it bounces off ("L" for left, "R" for right, "T" for top, and "B" for bottom).
void OnScroll(int HorizontalOrVertical); is issued each time the control is about the scroll the URL. HorizontalOrVertical indicates whether the horizontal or vertical scrolling is about to begin again (returns "H" for horizontal, "V" for vertical). This event is not fired for bounces or slides; nor is it fired the first time the image is scrolled.
void OnLMouseClick(void); is fired when the user presses the left mouse button in the marquee window.
<OBJECT ID=Marquee1 CLASSID="clsid:1A4DA620-6217-11CF-BE62-0080C72EDD2D" CODEBASE=",71,115,0" WIDTH=650 HEIGHT=40 BORDER=1 HSPACE=5 ALIGN=CENTER> <PARAM NAME="ScrollStyleX" VALUE="Circular"> <PARAM NAME="ScrollStyleY" VALUE="Circular"> <PARAM NAME="szURL" VALUE=""> <PARAM NAME="ScrollDelay" VALUE=100> <PARAM NAME="LoopsX" VALUE=-1> <PARAM NAME="LoopsY" VALUE=-1> <PARAM NAME="ScrollPixelsX" VALUE=0> <PARAM NAME="ScrollPixelsY" VALUE=30> <PARAM NAME="DrawImmediately" VALUE=1> <PARAM NAME="Whitespace" VALUE=0> <PARAM NAME="PageFlippingOn" VALUE=1> <PARAM NAME="Zoom" VALUE=100> <PARAM NAME="WidthOfPage" VALUE=640> </OBJECT>