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ActiveX Magic: An ActiveX Control and DCOM Sample Using ATL

Steve Robinson and Alex Krasilshchikov
Panther Software

Part 2: Building the Pusher Client Application

The first client application we are going to build will be ThePusher. Recall that in our server application we have functions called HelloWorld and AcceptNewValue. ThePusher application is going to be a simple dialog-based application whose purpose is to connect with and send data to TheServer. Through ThePusher, you are going to learn how easy it is to create COM client applications and call functions in COM interfaces, and even DCOM servers, since it is all the same.

Let's start by creating a new application with Visual C++. For convenience, let's create ThePusher in a folder adjacent to TheServer application. Start a new project workspace and fill out the New Project Workspace dialog box so that it resembles the following:

  1. Click the Create button and in Step 1 make it a "dialog-based application."
    Click Next to move to Step 2 and select the OLE Automation checkbox. Selecting OLE automation adds the following code to the application's InitInstance member function:
    // Initialize OLE libraries
    if (!AfxOleInit())
      return FALSE;
  2. AfxOleInit performs all the required OLE startup code, and also includes <afxdisp.h> to stdafx.h (which in turn includes all the necessary OLE files).
  3. We want to be dynamically linked to MFC, which is the default in AppWizard Step 3, and the default names that are selected in AppWizard Step 4 are perfect for our example. Accordingly, we are not going to change any more settings, so after completing AppWizard Step 4 click the Finish button.
  4. Once you have clicked the Finish button, select Build | Rebuild All to make sure everything builds correctly.
  5. If you run the executable file, you should have a simple dialog box that looks something like this:

The first item on our agenda for the ThePusher application is to add the necessary member variables and user interface requirements, so that when we connect to TheServer we can send and receive data. In TheServer's interface, ITheServerComObject, a method called AcceptNewValue exists. This method takes a long value -- lNewValue -- and takes a pointer to a long valuelplFormerValue. Because all COM methods return HRESULTs, we are actually using the lpFormerValue as a return value. If you open the file TheServer.idl (located in ..\TheServer\), you may begin to see why we initialized the value with the [out] declaration. Let's use ClassWizard to create a couple of member variables in ThePusher client application that correspond to these values in TheServer.
  1. Start by clicking the ResourceView tab in the Project Workspace window. Open the dialog folder and double-click IDD_THEPUSHER_DIALOG resource so we can modify the dialog. Add a button and an edit control as demonstrated in the figure below.

  2. Once your dialog looks like the one above, start ClassWizard and click the Member Variables tab. Double-click IDC_EDIT1 ( if that was the resource ID you gave to the edit control in your dialog box) and enter the variable name as "m_lValueToPush."
  3. Change the selection in Variable Type to long, making sure the Category entry remains a value, not a control. Click the OK button to return to the ClassWizard dialog box. To be consistent with values we will eventually add to TheServer application, enter 0 as the minimum value and 2 as the maximum value.
  4. Click the Message Maps tab and highlight the entry whose control ID represents the Push Value command button. In the sample code, the control resource ID is IDC_BUTTON1. Double click the BN_CLICKED item in the Messages list box and change the name of the member function to OnPushValue. Click OK twice to exit ClassWizard. Rebuild and run the application to make sure everything is set up correctly. If you have done everything properly, your application should look exactly like the dialog box you created in the resource editor.

Before we build the connection to TheServer, let's add another variable that will maintain the former value passed to the server. In ThePusherDlg.h, add a long member variable called m_lFormerValue, and, since we practice safe programming, make sure you initialize it to 0 in the constructor. Now we are ready to add the connectivity to TheServer.

Open stdafx.cpp and add the line #include <atlimpl.cpp> immediately after #include "stdafx.h". The majority of the ATL COM library is implemented by atlimpl.cpp. At this point, all that essentially matters is that Microsoft has done a lot of work for you. Open stdafx.h and at the bottom of the file add the following lines:

//declaration files for ATL base classes
#include <atlbase.h>
//external linkage for CComModule
extern CComModule _Module;
//ActiveX Template Library include
#include <atlcom.h>
//idl declaration file for the server
#include "..\TheServer\TheServer.h"

Since you have most likely seen header files before, the only unfamiliar line should be the CComModule, which has external linkage. CComModule implements a COM server module, thus allowing a client to access the server's components. CComModule supports both in-process servers (.DLL files) and out-of-process servers (.EXE files), whether they are local or remote servers.

If you are programming in Windows NT 4.0 or later and have installed Visual C++ Patch 4.2b, make sure you add the line #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 at the top of stdafx.h. (This is a new definition that you may use one day if you explore threading issues.) Your stdafx.h file should look very similar to the one in the sample.

Open ThePusher.cpp which implements our application class. Add the following lines immediately after the _DEBUG defines:

#include "..\TheServer\TheServer_i.c"
CComModule _Module;

The beginning of ThePusher.cpp file should look like this:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ThePusher.h"
#include "ThePusherDlg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#include "..\TheServer\TheServer_i.c"
CComModule _Module;

TheServer_i.c defines IID struct and constants that are used to access our interface. If you take a look at the IID struct you may realize that it is the same as the registry format. In fact, CLSID is defined as type IID, which is the format you see in the registry! If you ever wondered what the registry format structure was, here it is! For example, {0x5E603BF3,0x9823,0x11D0,{0xA4,0xF8,0x00,0x00,0xB4,0x53,0x3E,0xC 9}} is the IID of our ITheServerComObject interface. This consists of a long, followed by two shorts and a character array. If you want, you can enter the first long or the two shorts into a calculator and change them to decimal formats, just to prove that they are what they should be.

At this point, re-scan all dependencies and you should see new files in the project workspace window. They are: atlbase.h, atlcom.h, atlimpl.cpp, TheServer.h, and TheServer_i.c. Your Project Workspace window should look like the one below:

Rebuild your entire project to make sure everything builds cleanly, and then we'll start adding code for connecting to the COM object in TheServer.

The first thing we need to do is create a member variable that will hold a pointer to an interface in TheServer's COM object. Open the file ThePusherDlg.h and add the following line:


CComPtr is a template class (type: parameterized) for managing COM interface pointers. CComPtr automatically performs reference counting and uses overloaded operators to handle related operations so you don't have to do anything. We use ITheServerComObject as the template type, since that is the name of the interface that will be created. ITheServerComObject is declared in TheServer.h, which is included in stdafx.h, so there are no additional files to include or forward-class declarations to make in this file or in the implementation file, ThePusherDlg.cpp. Open ThePusherDlg.cpp and, in the constructor, initialize the variable we just added to our class declaration file as NULLagain, because we are practicing safe software development. Your constructor should appear identical to this:

CThePusherDlg::CThePusherDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
   : CDialog(CThePusherDlg::IDD, pParent)
  m_lValueToPush = 0;
  // Note that LoadIcon does not require a
  // subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
  m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
  m_lFormerValue = 0;
  m_pITheServerObject = NULL;

In the dialog's OnInitDialog function we will initialize our interface pointer. At the beginning of the function, after calling CDialog::OnInitDialog() add the following lines:

//call the world-famous CoCreateInstance…
HRESULT hRes = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TheServerComObject,
ASSERT(hRes == S_OK);
_ASSERTE(m_pITheServerObject != NULL);

CoCreateInstance is a Win32-based function that creates an uninitialized objectof a specified type. It performs two basic functions, CoGetClassObject, which initializes a class factory (IClassFactory), and IClassFactory's CreateInstance method. If you want to create only one instance of your interface, use CoCreateInstance, or CoCreateInstanceEx, which is CoCreateInstance's big brother. If you need to create multiple interfaces of a specified type, use CoGetClassObject and CreateInstance. The parameters of CoCreateInstance are:

  1. The CLSID associated with the COM object -- CLSID_TheServerComObject.
  2. A pointer to an outer unknown. This means that if an interface is part of an aggregate, you would pass the IUnknown of the outer object. For our case, since we are accessing the interface directly, we can pass NULL.
  3. A context code for running the COM object. These are CLSCTX values that identify whether the COM object is to be run as an in-process server, a remote server, a local server, etc. If you examine CLSCTX values on the January 1997 Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) CD, you can see the various values. Although we are creating an instance of ITheServerComObject as an out-of-process local server, we may one day wish to instantiate it as an out-of-process remote server. By using the value CLSCTX_ALL, we are covered now and in the future.
  4. The IID of the COM object which is IID_ITheServerComObject.
  5. A double pointer to our class member m_pITheServerObject. Our class member serves as a pointer to an interface.

If CoCreateInstance is successful, it returns S_OK and sets our pointer. If it is unsuccessful, it returns something other than S_OK (most of the error values are defined in winerrors.h). Also, if CoCreateInstance is unsuccessful, it sets our pointer to interface member to NULL. If you didn't select OLE Automation in AppWizard when you created the project, the HRESULT returned will be 800401F0L, which is CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED, implying that the OLE libraries have not been loaded. (This is a very common occurrence when you are speeding through samples, as we actually did at Panther when we first wrote this sample.)

Just to prove that our interface exists and works properly, let's add the following two lines immediately after our assert functions.

hRes = m_pITheServerObject->HelloWorld();

We call the HelloWorld method directly from our interface pointer. This example demonstrates how easy it is to call methods from pointers to interfaces. Since HelloWorld does nothing more than return S_OK, we have a great opportunity to use the SUCCEEDED macro. This macro is defined in winerrors.h as:

#define SUCCEEDED(Status) ((HRESULT)(Status)
>= 0)

You should always use the SUCCEEDED macro.

Now we are ready to do some real work with our interface. In the OnPushValue method, type the code exactly as follows:

ASSERT(m_pITheServerObject != NULL);

if(m_pITheServerObject != NULL)
  hRes =

    TRACE("The current value is: %d\n",m_lValueToPush);
    TRACE("The former value is:  %d\n",m_lFormerValue);

A quick review of the code shows that we will pass a new value to our server (the value is entered into the dialog box) and get the old value (current value) from the server. Running the program shows the results in the debug window. Compile, create links, and run the program. Before you exit, don't forget to congratulate yourself on the completion of your first out-of-process COM application!

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