NOTE: Since your browser hasn't been activated with ActiveX,
the StopLite above is a mere static image rather than the ActiveX control
you're unable to use. If the control above was real, you could click
on it to change the StopLite. Instead, clicking the image will give you
different--but perhaps more rewarding in the long run--behavior. Try it!
In addition to not loading the controls, the VBScript code will fail because
other browsers don't recognize VBScript. Netscape 3.0b6 gives an error
on loading because it's not recognizing the LANGUAGE attribute of the
SCRIPT tag, so it's attempting to parse and execute the VBScript code
even though it doesn't understand VBScript.
Why not download Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
and experience what you've been missing?
(If you ARE using Internet Explorer 3.0 or later, the fact that you're seeing this
means that you have ActiveX controls disabled. To enable them, select
Options from the View menu, then select the Security tab. Make sure
that "Enable ActiveX controls and plug-ins" is checked, then click OK.
Finally, click on the Refresh button to reload this page.)