The following files accompany the ABCs of MFC ActiveX Controls article.
You may download these by clicking below.
Note: Some of the files have long filenames. If your unzip utility cannot handle long filenames, you may download the 32-bit version of the WinZip utility from
(Please note that WinZip is not a Microsoft product, and this link points
to a server that is not under Microsoft's control. Please read Microsoft's
official statement
regarding other servers.)
- StopLite.ZIP (109K)
- All of the .HTM files, plus the control (StopLite.OCX) and a Visual Basic test app .EXE.
- StopVB.ZIP (848K)
- Complete setup for Visual Basic test app, including necessary DLLs and setup program.
- StopDLL.ZIP (617K)
- DLLs necessary to run StopLite under Internet Explorer 3.0. Internet Explorer 3.0 should automatically have the correct DLLs;
these are only for odd cases where the proper DLLs weren't installed.
- StopWiz.ZIP (15K)
- Source code for StopLite as generated by Control Wizard in Visual C++ 4.1.
- StopFin.ZIP (34K)
- Finished source code as described in the article.
- StopLDoc.ZIP (101K)
- Microsoft Word file containing the article.
Click to view the
original and
finished source code.
Click to run
simple demo page, demo page with
buttons and script,
VBScript demo, or
JavaScript demo.
Back to the article.