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Component Interface Reference

The following interfaces are relevant to components hosted by Microsoft® Internet Explorer. This section describes these interfaces.

IErrorLogThe IErrorLog interface is an abstraction for an error log that is used to communicate detailed error information between a client and an object.
IObjectSafetyThe IObjectSafety interface provides methods to retrieve and set safety options.
IObjectWithSiteIObjectWithSite provides simple objects with a lightweight (lighter than IOleObject) siting mechanism.
IPersistHistoryThe IPersistHistory interface provides a mechanism for a component to persist its state within its containing application during the current session.
IPersistMemoryThe IPersistMemory interface saves and loads objects from a stream.
IPersistPropertyBagThe IPersistPropertyBag interface works in conjunction with IPropertyBag and IErrorLog to define an individual property-based persistence mechanism.
IPersistPropertyBag2The IPersistPropertyBag2 interface works in conjunction with the IPropertyBag2 and IErrorLog interfaces to define an individual property-based persistence mechanism.
IPropertyBagThe IPropertyBag interface provides an object with a property bag in which the object can persistently save its properties.
IPropertyBag2The IPropertyBag2 interface provides an object with a property bag in which the object can persistently save its properties.
IServiceProviderThe IServiceProvider interface is a generic access mechanism to locate a GUID-identified service.


A property bag is an object that holds information that is to be saved and restored across invocations of an object.

For information about URL moniker interfaces and how they are used with persistence mechanisms, see URL Monikers Reference.

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