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IPersistMemory::Load Method

Instructs the object to load its persistent data from memory.


HRESULT IPersistMemory::Load(
    void *pvMem, 
    ULONG cbSize


[in] Address of the memory from which the object can read up to cbSize bytes of its data. The object must not read past the address (BYTE*)((BYTE *)pvMem+cbSize).
[in] Amount of memory available at pvMem from which the object can read its data.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK The object successfully loaded its data.
E_UNEXPECTED This member was called after the object was already initialized with IPersistMemory::Load. Only one initialization is allowed per instance.
E_POINTER The pointer in pvMem is NULL.


Any object that implements IPersistMemory has some information to load persistently; therefore, E_NOTIMPL is not a valid return code.

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