REMCLIEN - Distributed COM (DCOM) Remote Client |
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The REMCLIEN sample shows how a client can access and control components in an out-of-process remote server. In this lesson the previously studied out-of-process server APTSERVE is used, but now it is accessed across machine boundaries by REMCLIEN. In earlier lessons, APTCLIEN accessed APTSERVE's components on the same machine by crossing only process and thread boundaries.
No changes to APTSERVE are required for REMCLIEN to work. Distributed COM (DCOM) supports local/remote transparency between client and server.
The REMCLIEN sample presents the car-related components that were studied in previous lessons. These COM objects use the following interfaces: ICar, IUtility, and ICruise. REMCLIEN works in conjunction with the separate APTSERVE.EXE, which provides the COCar, COUtilityCar, and COCruiseCar COM objects.
REMCLIEN.EXE creates its own COUtilityCruiseCar COM object by reusing the COCruiseCar COM object by containment and augmenting it with a native implementation of the IUtility interface. Because the COCruiseCar COM object class is a composite--that is, it reuses an inner COCar object by containment--REMCLIEN illustrates nested reuse of COM objects. The composite COUtilityCruiseCar object reuses COCruiseCar, another composite COM object, by containment. COCruiseCar further reuses the COCar COM object by containment.
The composition of COUtilityCruiseCar is also interesting because of the COUtilityCruiseCar object's containment of reuse the COCruiseCar object crosses the machine boundary between REMCLIEN and the out-of-process remote server APTSERVE.EXE. REMCLIEN uses standard marshaling support for the custom interfaces it uses on the COCruiseCar object. This marshaling support was separately built as MARSHAL.DLL in the earlier MARSHAL code sample.
Because client and server reside in separate processes on different machines, both REMCLIEN and APTSERVE rely on marshaling for the ICar, IUtility, and ICruise interfaces. This support was provided by the previous MARSHAL code sample, so you must also build the MARSHAL code sample on both machines prior to building and running REMCLIEN with APTSERVE.
To set up for the proper operation of REMCLIEN on one machine to control APTSERVE on the other, both machines must have DCOM (Distributed COM) installed. This is the case in Windows NT 4.0 or above and in Windows 98. It is also the case in Windows 95 with DCOM95 installed. Earlier versions of these operating systems do not support Distributed COM. The two machines must be connected in a properly configured network. For details on setting up a network, see your Windows NT product documentation or the Windows NT Resource Kit. Also see the "Network and Setup Issues" section at the end of this tutorial text for more details on machine and network setup for running REMCLIEN.
For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of REMCLIEN, see the Code Tour section in REMCLIEN.HTM. For details on the external user operation of REMCLIEN, see both the Usage and Operation sections in REMCLIEN.HTM. To read REMCLIEN.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the REMCLIEN lesson in the table of lessons. You can also achieve the same thing by clicking the REMCLIEN.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also APTSERVE.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on how APTSERVE works and exposes its services to REMCLIEN. The makefile for APTSERVE automatically registers that server in the registry of the host machine, so you must build APTSERVE on the remote machine before attempting to run REMCLIEN.
For general details on setting up your system to build and test Win32 code samples such as those in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.
REMCLIEN is an application that you can execute directly from Windows in the normal manner or from the Command Prompt window. No command line parameters are recognized by REMCLIEN. REMCLIEN will currently run on the Windows 95 operating system with the DCOM95 update for Win95 installed. It will run on the Windows 98 operating system. It will also run under version 4 or higher of Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server.
The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.
To access and control the remote APTSERVE server, the REMCLIEN client additionally requires that you have your network and machines set up properly for DCOM operation. See the "Network Setup and Issues" section below for more details. If you have already built the appropriate samples and set up your machines for DCOM operation, REMCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample.
The REMCLIEN.EXE application provides the user interface for this lesson. It exercises the associated, but independent, APTSERVE.EXE out-of-process remote server. Here is a summary of operation from the standpoint of REMCLIEN.EXE as a client of APTSERVE.EXE.
The REMCLIEN and APTSERVE samples are directly analogous to the APTCLIEN and APTSERVE samples presented in earlier lessons. The same components are used, and almost the same menu system exercises those objects. The main difference is that the client must use the standard marshaling support provided by the MARSHAL.DLL server for the interfaces that reside across machine boundaries rather than across process boundaries. This standard marshaling is largely transparent if you use the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) compiler to build a standard marshaling DLL.
Since two machines are involved in this lesson, we will refer to the machine where APTSERVE runs as Machine-S (server) and to the machine where REMCLIEN runs as Machine-C (client).
To run REMCLIEN and obtain the log listings for this tutorial, Machine-C was set up to compile Win32 applications, and all of the COM tutorial code samples were compiled there under Windows NT 4.x. Among other things, this build process registered the necessary interfaces in the registry on Machine-C for standard marshaling using the MARSHAL marshaling server on that machine. Using the C$ drive share predefined on Machine-S, a complete copy of the built \MSSDK\SAMPLES\COM\TUTSAMP branch was copied across the network from Machine-C to Machine-S.
With all the sample executables on Machine-S, the REGALL batch file was run from the TUTSAMP directory there. This registered the APTSERVE server and its interfaces in the registry on Machine-S. The MARSHAL standard marshaling server located on that machine registers the interfaces there.
Alternately, you can copy the uncompiled source of the samples branch from Machine-C to Machine-S and run MAKEALL.BAT on Machine-S. This will perform a complete build of all the executables and automatically register the APTSERVE and MARSHAL servers on Machine-S. However, it is quicker to perform a complete build on one machine and copy the TUTSAMP branch (with built executables) to the other machine and run REGALL.BAT on the other machine.
With the executables present and the servers properly registered on both machines, the REMCLIEN application can be run on Machine-C. From REMCLIEN you specify the network name of Machine-S. Then when you create an object from REMCLIEN you rely on COM to automatically locate and load the remote APTSERVE server on Machine-S. You must be logged on under the same user name and password on both machines, and those accounts on both machines must have Administrator privileges. See the "Network and Setup Issues" section below for more details.
As in the APTCLIEN code sample, support is provided in REMCLIEN for a trace logging facility. However, REMCLIEN displays only the trace log of its own internal client behavior. Because the APTSERVE server is running on a remote machine, APTSERVE's own trace logging facility is used to display its internal behavior on the remote Machine-S display.
To run client and server so that both trace logs are displayed on each machine, start APTCLIEN on Machine-S before running REMCLIEN on Machine-C. On Machine-S, from the APTCLIEN Car menu, choose Create. This command will load the APTSERVE out-of-process server on Machine-S. As in the APTCLIEN and LOCCLIEN lessons, loading APTSERVE will provide an integrated logging display of the internal behavior of both APTCLIEN and APTSERVE on Machine-S.
You can then start REMCLIEN on Machine-C, where its internal client behavior will be logged in its own separate trace log display on Machine-C. From the REMCLIEN File menu, choose Set Remote Machine to set the remote machine's name (for example, Machine-S) in the Remote Server Info dialog box. This name is the network machine name of the computer where the remote APTSERVE server is located and registered. You must specify this name before you can run REMCLIEN. DCOM permits the machine name to be specified in a valid UNC format (for example, Machine-S or \\Machine-S) or DNS format (for example, or
If you then use REMCLIEN's Car menu to create a car object (from Machine-C), COM will find APTSERVE already loaded on Machine-S and will access this loaded instance. You will then see the log (on Machine-S) of APTSERVE's internal server behavior as you control it from either APTCLIEN on Machine-S or from REMCLIEN on machine-C. This example illustrates how a single COM server can be controlled simultaneously from multiple clients, in this case one local and one remote. APTSERVE supports such multiple client access to it by partitioning the COM server into separate apartment model threads and ensuring mutually exclusive access to shared server and class factory data.
By configuring the server trace log in the manner used above, you can see the inner behavior of a multithreaded server with multiple clients. On Machine-S you can freely create and manipulate components in APTSERVE, treating it as an out-of-process local server from APTCLIEN (on the same machine). At the same time, on Machine-C you can freely create and manipulate other component instances in APTSERVE, treating it as an out-of-process remote server from REMCLIEN. In both cases you can watch internal APTSERVE behavior in the APTCLIEN trace log display on Machine-S.
Although REMCLIEN functions much like APTCLIEN, LOCCLIEN, DLLCLIEN and COMUSER, we'll give a short review for those readers who are visiting this code sample out of sequence. The COM objects that are used in the REMCLIEN and APTSERVE code samples represent sport utility vehicles. We invent some basic feature sets for modeling such car objects. These feature sets are implemented as interfaces to COM objects. The ICar interface provides some basic car behavior: Shift, Clutch, Speed, and Steer. The IUtility interface provides off-road utility systems: Offroad and Winch. The ICruise interface provides automatic cruise control facilities: Engage and Adjust.
REMCLIEN.EXE provides menus for creating, releasing, and invoking methods for four COM objects: COCar, COUtilityCar, COCruiseCar, and COUtilityCruiseCar. These objects have combinations of the ICar, IUtility, and ICruise interfaces. COCar objects expose the ICar interface. COUtilityCar objects expose the ICar and IUtility interfaces. COCruiseCar objects expose the ICar and ICruise interfaces. COUtilityCruiseCar objects expose the ICar, ICruise, and IUtility interfaces. As a result, COCar objects have only the basic car behavior (ICar). COUtilityCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar) with sport utility systems (IUtility). COCruiseCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar) with an automatic cruise control system (ICruise). COUtilityCruiseCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar), a cruise control system (ICruise), and a sport utility system (IUtility).
COCar is constructed as an aggregatable COM object with a native implementation of the ICar interface. COUtilityCar is constructed using containment and is implemented in APTSERVE.EXE. For details, see the APTSERVE lesson. COCruiseCar is constructed using containment and is also implemented in APTSERVE.EXE. COUtilityCruiseCar is constructed using containment and is implemented in REMCLIEN.EXE. In this sample, COUtilityCruiseCar reuses COCruiseCar by containment to illustrate nested COM object reuse that spans thread and machine boundaries.
REMCLIEN.EXE presents a menu for each of these four main COM objects. Each menu has commands that call the methods of the various available interfaces. The code samples (both REMCLIEN and APTSERVE) have trace message log statements throughout. When you exercise the objects from REMCLIEN.EXE, the main REMCLIEN window will display a log of only the internal client activity on Machine-C. As described above, the trace log of internal APTSERVE server activity will be displayed on Machine-S.
Menu Selection: File/Exit
Menu Selection: File/Set Remote Machine...
Displays the Remote Server Info dialog box, in which you specify the network machine name of the computer where the remote APTSERVE server is located. You must specify this name in a valid UNC or DNS format before you can create and operate any remote APTSERVE COM objects from REMCLIEN. Example machine name: \\MyRemoteMachine.
Menu Selection: Car/Create
Creates a COCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: Car/Release
Releases the COCar COM object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/Create
Creates the COUtilityCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/Release
Releases the COUtilityCar COM object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/IUtility::Offroad
Calls the IUtility::Offroad method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/IUtility::Winch
Calls the IUtility::Winch method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/Create
Creates the COCruiseCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/Release
Releases the COCruiseCar COM object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICruise::Engage
Calls the ICruise::Engage method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: CruiseCar/ICruise::Adjust
Calls the ICruise::Adjust method on the COCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Create
Creates the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Release
Releases the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICruise::Engage
Calls the ICruise::Engage method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICruise::Adjust
Calls the ICruise::Adjust method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/IUtility::Offroad
Calls the IUtility::Offroad method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/IUtility::Winch
Calls the IUtility::Winch method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: Log/Clear
Clears the trace message log display.
Menu Selection: Log/Logging
Toggles the trace message logging facility on or off. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that logging is on. Logging can be engaged but simply turned on or off. Unchecking this command turns the trace message logging facility off but does not disengage the logging mechanisms.
Menu Selection: Log/Copy
Copies the current contents of the trace message log to the Windows Clipboard.
Menu Selection: Help/REMCLIEN Tutorial
Opens the REMCLIEN.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/APTSERVE Tutorial
Opens the APTSERVE.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/MARSHAL Tutorial
Opens the MARSHAL.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/Read Source File
Displays the Open common dialog box so you can open a source file from this lesson or another one in the Windows Notepad.
Menu Selection: Help/About REMCLIEN
Displays the About dialog box for this application, a standard part of this series of code samples. The code illustrates how to program the use of the CAboutBox class provided by APPUTIL.LIB.
Files Description REMCLIEN.TXT Short sample description. MAKEFILE The generic makefile for building the code sample application of this tutorial lesson. REMCLIEN.H The include file for the REMCLIEN application. Contains class declarations, function prototypes, and resource identifiers. REMCLIEN.CPP The main implementation file for REMCLIEN.EXE. Has WinMain and CMainWindow implementation, as well as the main menu dispatching. REMCLIEN.RC The application resource definition file. REMCLIEN.ICO The application icon resource. UTCRUCAR.H The class declaration for the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. UTCRUCAR.CPP Implementation file for the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. Also has the definition of the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function.
Like all code samples in the series, REMCLIEN uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library source code in the sibling APPUTIL directory and APPUTIL.HTM in the main tutorial directory.
REMCLIEN is consistent with earlier lessons to highlight the comparison of out-of-process remote servers with out-of-process local servers. REMCLIEN retains the same set of COM objects as the previous LOCCLIEN lesson. A matching menu system to manipulate these objects is also retained. For details on the implementation and functionality of these COM objects, see the code tours for LOCCLIEN, LOCSERVE, APTCLIEN, and APTSERVE.
This lesson examines the client code needed to support cross-machine remote manipulation of the components in the multiple apartments of the APTSERVE server. We will tour the client source code and its internal behavior using representative trace logs.
REMCLIEN needs DCOM to run. Early in its WinMain function, REMCLIEN calls APPUTIL's DComOk function to confirm that DCOM is installed on the system. DComOk does this by ensuring that the CoInitializeEx function is exported from the OLE32.DLL system library. CoInitializeEx was initially supplied with the DCOM functionality in Windows NT 4.0 and its presence is thus a simple way to confirm that DCOM is present. Simularly, DComOk will return FALSE on Windows 95 if the DCOM95 add-on is not installed.
No changes to the APTSERVE server sample need to be made, and only minimal changes are needed to transform the APTCLIEN local client into the REMCLIEN remote client. This emphasizes COM's local/remote transparency. The following code tour will thus focus on evolving the APTCLIEN code into the REMCLIEN code.
The main changes center on a different way of using COM to create instances of the components housed in the remote server. The CoGetClassObject call is made with appropriate parameters to direct COM to locate, load, and set up standard marshaling for components in the remote server.
The most important new information that CoGetClassObject needs is defined in a COSERVERINFO structure. Here is the code for this in REMCLIEN.CPP.
// Here is a structure for storing the remote server info. COSERVERINFO g_ServerInfo; // Storage for the user entered remote machine name. TCHAR g_szMachineName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); OLECHAR g_wszMachineName[MAX_PATH];
The important member of this structure is a pointer to string storage for the network name of the machine where the remote COM server resides. Above are two such string variables: g_szMachineName is used for normal user input string storage from a dialog box, and g_wszMachineName is the actual storage pointed to by the g_ServerInfo structure. g_wszMachineName is used by COM and must be of Unicode type OLECHAR. Depending on whether REMCLIEN is compiled for Unicode, a string conversion may be required to obtain the Unicode version of the string. The g_ServerInfo structure must be initialized with the pointer to g_wszMachineName. This is done in the application's InitApplication function in REMCLIEN.CPP as follows
... // Zero the g_ServerInfo structure. memset(&g_ServerInfo, 0, sizeof(COSERVERINFO)); // Init the remote machine name. g_wszMachineName[0] = 0; #ifdef UNICODE g_ServerInfo.pwszName = &g_szMachineName[0]; #else g_ServerInfo.pwszName = &g_wszMachineName[0]; #endif ...
First, a memset call is used to zero the entire g_ServerInfo structure contents. If the code is compiled for Unicode, no conversions are needed, and the g_ServerInfo.pwszName pointer is initialized to the TCHAR string array, g_szMachineName. Otherwise, it is initialized to point to a string array that is explicitly defined as type OLECHAR, g_wszMachineName.
We will examine later how the string is assigned a value. For now, we assume this string has the correct machine name. The g_ServerInfo structure is used when component instances are created at the request of the REMCLIEN user: Car, UtilityCar, and CruiseCar in source file REMCLIEN.CPP; UtilityCruiseCar in source file UTCRUCAR.CPP. For example, when the user requests creation of a CruiseCar component, the following code in REMCLIEN'S DoMenu function creates the remote COCruiseCar COM object residing in the APTSERVE server. The following code is found in REMCLIEN.CPP.
... case IDM_CCAR_CREATE: LOG("C: === CruiseCar Menu: Create."); if (NULL == m_pCruiseCar) { // Call COM services to create a remote instance. hr = CreateRemote( &g_ServerInfo, CLSID_AptCruiseCar, (PPVOID)&m_pCruiseCar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_CCAR_CREATE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); LOG("C: CruiseCar creation succeeded."); } else LOG("C: ???? CruiseCar creation failed."); } else LOG("C: ???? CruiseCar already exists."); break; ...
A common CreateRemote function is used in several such creation calls in DoMenu. Here is its definition in REMCLIEN.CPP.
HRESULT CreateRemote( COSERVERINFO* pServerInfo, REFCLSID rclsid, PPVOID ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IClassFactory* pICF = NULL; HCURSOR hCurPrev; HCURSOR hCurWait = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT); // Ensure a remote machine name was specified by user. if (pServerInfo->pszName[0]) { // Change cursor to the hour glass. Things could take awhile working // across the network. hCurPrev = SetCursor(hCurWait); // Get the COM Object Class Factory. hr = CoGetClassObject( rclsid, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, pServerInfo, IID_IClassFactory, (PPVOID)&pICF); LOGERROR("C:CoGetClassObject.",hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Use Class Factory to create an instance of the COM object. hr = pICF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IUnknown, ppv); pICF->Release(); LOGERROR("C:CreateInstance.",hr); } // Set Cursor back to what it was. SetCursor(hCurPrev); } else { LOG("C: ???? Specify remote machine name first."); } return hr; }
This is a familiar sequence. A call to CoGetClassObject is used to obtain a class factory interface for a component. The class factory is then called to create an instance of the COM object and to return an interface pointer for the new object. The significant difference in REMCLIEN is how the CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER parameter is used to direct COM to find the server remotely. A pointer to the g_ServerInfo structure is also passed to provide the necessary network machine name of the computer where the remote server resides.
The LOGERROR macro is used to check an HRESULT for error and if necessary, fetch the associated human-readable error message string from the system tables and log that message for display. See APPUTIL.HTM for more details on the use of the LOGERROR macro.
In this code sample, a remote server is explicitly requested. Here are some of the important CLSCTX_* values that can be passed for the execution context. Others are also honored. See the Platform SDK documentation for more details.
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER Load the in-process server (DLL). CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER Load the out-of-process local server (EXE). CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER Load the out-of-process remote server (EXE). CLSCTX_SERVER Load in-process, out-of-process local, or out-of-process remote server with COM making the attempt in that order.
For example, if the code above had specified CLSCTX_SERVER, then COM would consult the Registry and find the requested CLSID_AptCruiseCar component in the APTSERVE server on the local machine first, rather than attempting to find the one on the remote machine.
DCOM supports other mechanisms not covered in this lesson for designating how and where a remote component is instantiated. There are facilities for launch security, access security, and call-level security.
The REMCLIEN client could be configured to run the server remotely at a particular machine whenever the CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER flag is passed to an activation function without a COSERVERINFO structure. This is done by adding an appropriate \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\[clsid]\RemoteServerName key for the CLSID of the component in the registry of the client machine. However, if a subsequent activation function is called (for example, CoCreateInstance) that passes a COSERVERINFO structure, it will override the RemoteServerName setting of the component's CLSID in the registry.
Once the new COM object is created, REMCLIEN can use its interfaces, as in the previous APTCLIEN code sample. For example, the ICar::Shift method on the remote COM object can be called across machine boundaries. The standard marshaling provided by the MARSHAL server takes care of marshaling the ICar, IUtility, and ICruise interfaces across process, thread, and machine boundaries. But the MARSHAL server must be built and registered on both the client machine, where REMCLIEN runs, and on the server machine, where APTSERVE runs.
The following code from the DialogProc procedure of the Remote Server Info dialog box (in REMCLIEN.CPP) assigns the machine name supplied by the user through the Set Remote Machine command on the File menu.
... case WM_COMMAND: { WORD wCmd = LOWORD(wParam); if (wCmd == IDOK) { // Obtain the machine name from the edit control. GetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_EDIT_MACHINE, g_szMachineName, MAX_PATH); #if !defined(UNICODE) // Convert to WideChar Unicode if we are NOT compiled for Unicode. AnsiToUc(g_szMachineName, g_wszMachineName, 0); #endif ::EndDialog(hWndDlg, TRUE); } else if (wCmd == IDCANCEL) ::EndDialog(hWndDlg, TRUE); } break; ...
If REMCLIEN is not compiled for Unicode, the ANSI string obtained in the dialog box must be converted to a wide character array (WCHAR or OLECHAR) for later use by COM. This conversion is performed by calling the Win32 function MultiByteToWideChar inside the APPUTIL function, AnsiToUc.
We will now tour internal behavior in both APTSERVE and REMCLIEN by looking at some representative trace logs. Trace lines that begin with 'C:' mark behavior reported in the REMCLIEN.EXE client. Lines that begin with 'L:' mark behavior reported in the remote APTSERVE.EXE local server. The internal APTSERVE trace lines will also show the thread ID of the action after the 'L'. These trace logs were obtained from machines that were connected in a network as described in the Summary section above. APTCLIEN is used on the remote machine to display the APTSERVE internal behavior.
First run APTCLIEN on remote Machine-S. Choose the Car menu's Create choice. Here is the resulting trace log in APTCLIEN.
C: === Car Menu: Create. L: APTSERVE now logging to client. L<3B>: CmdLine Switches= -Embedding L<3B>: CServer::OpenFactories. Begin. L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <3B> waiting to own CServer. L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <3B>. L<3B>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<3B>: CFCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L<3B>: CFUtilityCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<3B>: CFUtilityCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L<3B>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<3B>: CFCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L<3B>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCar. L<3B>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<3B>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<3B>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptUtilityCar. L<3B>: CFUtilityCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<3B>: CFUtilityCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L: AptThreadProc. Starting Apartment Thread <65>. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<3B>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCruiseCar. L<3B>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L: AptThreadProc. Starting Apartment Thread <7D>. L<3B>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<7D>: CFUtilityCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <3B>. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L: AptThreadProc. Starting Apartment Thread <34>. L<3B>: CServer::OpenFactories. End. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<65>: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <65> waiting to own CServer. L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <65>. L<65>: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=1. L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <65>. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x771680. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=3.
Our main goal here is to establish the integrated logging in the client log display of both client and server behavior. We will not cover the rest of this APTCLIEN-driven log in detail because we did so in the APTCLIEN lesson. Our main focus here is the DCOM behavior driven by REMCLIEN.
As in the APTCLIEN lesson, when the following threads are started, each of the server's component class factories is registered with COM on Machine-S:
<3B> - Main thread for the APTSERVE local server. <65> - AptCar component apartment thread. <7D> - AptUtilityCar component apartment thread. <34> - AptCruiseCar component apartment thread.
The main thread is also an apartment in the strict sense. It is not exploited as such in this code sample.
As in the APTSERVE lesson, starting of the apartment threads is reported in the same order that class factories are created, but the entries are scattered later in the log. This is because this trace log reflects asynchronous multi-tasking, in which internal operating system scheduling determines when the processor resource is given to the various threads. Though deterministic, this behavior can appear somewhat random at the application level.
To retain symmetry with the APTCLIEN sample we'll issue the Car menu ICar::Shift method. Here is the APTCLIEN log.
C: === Car Menu: ICar::Shift C: --Obtaining Interface Pointer. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=2. C: Interface obtained. *ppv=0x14C8DC C: --Calling pICar->Shift L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Shift. Called. ICar calls=1. C: --Releasing pICar
We see that the ICar interface call counter registers 1 for this created instance of the COCar COM object.
We now start REMCLIEN on Machine-C. When it is running, click the Set Remote Machine command on the File menu and enter the remote machine name in the dialog box, and then click the Create command from the Car menu.
In the REMCLIEN log we see the following.
C: === Car Menu: Create. C: Car creation succeeded.
In the server log (actually the APTCLIEN log) we see the following.
L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=5. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=6. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=5. L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=6. L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=3. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=7. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=2. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=6. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=5. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<65>: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <65> waiting to own CServer. L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <65>. L<65>: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <65>. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x7716B0. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=4. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=3.
These actions create a new instance of COCar as indicated by the server's cObjects count showing a value of 2. The first object was the COCar created by APTCLIEN above. Here is a call to ICar::Shift (still in REMCLIEN).
In the REMCLIEN log:
C: === Car Menu: ICar::Shift C: --Obtaining Interface Pointer. C: Interface obtained. *ppv=0x14D81C C: --Calling pICar->Shift C: --Releasing pICar
In the APTCLIEN log:
L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Shift. Called. ICar calls=1.
Now, from the REMCLIEN CruiseCar menu, click Create.
In the REMCLIEN log:
C: === CruiseCar Menu: Create. C: CruiseCar creation succeeded.
In the APTCLIEN log:
L<34>: CFCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::QueryInterface. Delegating. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=5. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=6. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=5. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=6. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=3. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=7. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=2. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=6. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=5. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICar Constructor. Non-Aggregating L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<34>: COCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <34> waiting to own CServer. L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <34>. L<34>: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <34>. L<34>: COCruiseCar::Init. L<65>: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Non-Aggregating. L<65>: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <65> waiting to own CServer. L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <65>. L<65>: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=4. L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <65>. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x771720. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=4. L<65>: COCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<65>: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=5. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=4. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=3. L<65>: COCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<65>: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. L<65>: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=3. L<34>: COCruiseCar::Init (New Containment of COCar) Succeeded. L<34>: COCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<34>: COCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x7716E0. L<34>: COCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. L<34>: COCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<34>: COCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<34>: COCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<34>: COCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=1. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=4. L<34>: CFCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=3.
The server has now created two new object instances, a COCruiseCar and COCar object, with the COCar object reused by containment to make the COCruiseCar. The cObjects=4 thus indicates four outstanding object instances for the server. COCruiseCar is managed by a newly encountered apartment thread, <34>. The three COCar objects remain managed by a single apartment thread, <65>, even though one is held by APTCLIEN, one is held by REMCLIEN, and one is held by APTCLIEN as a contained part of a composite COCruiseCar.
Using the CruiseCar menu we can now call ICar::Shift.
C: === CruiseCar Menu: ICar::Shift C: --Obtaining Interface Pointer. C: Interface obtained. *ppv=0x14D284 C: --Calling pICar->Shift C: --Releasing pICar
In the APTCLIEN log:
L<34>: COCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. L<34>: COCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=2. L<34>: COCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=2. L<34>: COCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=3. L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICar::Release. Delegating. New cI=1. L<34>: COCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=2. L<34>: COCruiseCar::CImpICar::Shift. Delegating. nGear=4. L<65>: COCar::CImpICar::Shift. Called. ICar calls=1.
The ICar interface call counter indicates only one call, providing additional proof that this is a newly created instance of COCar managed by the apartment thread <65>. The call had to be delegated within the server from COCruiseCar object's apartment thread <34> to the contained COCar object's apartment thread <65>. This means that the interface call had to be marshaled at least twice: First, from the main thread of REMCLIEN through DCOM (and thus RPC) across the network to the remote server CruiseCar apartment thread <34>, then from the CruiseCar apartment thread <34> within the same APTSERVE server process to the Car apartment thread <65>.
This illustrates component composition within the same process but across thread boundaries, as well as the DCOM functioning of this composite object remotely across machine boundaries.
The release of the CruiseCar and Car objects is essentially the same as seen in the APTCLIEN lesson, even though these Release calls are marshaled across machine boundaries.
To shut down the samples on both machines, first click Release on the REMCLIEN CruiseCar menu. This shuts down the COCruiseCar (with its contained COCar instance) held by the REMCLIEN client. Then click Release on the APTCLIEN Car menu. This shuts down the original COCar held by the APTCLIEN client and leaves the server with an object count of 1. Finally, click Release on the REMCLIEN Car menu. As seen in the APTCLIEN lesson, this causes an orderly termination of the apartment threads during execution of the CloseFactories function in APTSERVE, after which the APTSERVE server application exits and unloads.
The test setup used during development of REMCLIEN consisted of the following two machines: Machine-S (server) running Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with an Ethernet network adapter installed, and Machine-C (client) running Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with an Ethernet network adapter installed. The two machines were connected using shielded twisted pair cable and a IEEE 802.3 10Base-T multiport repeater. This is called a peer-to-peer network, and Windows NT Workstation supports this out of the box. The same network workgroup was created for both machines. The same user account was created on each machine for this workgroup. Each of these accounts had Administrator privilege. After logging on to each machine with this account, the predefined C$ share name on Machine-S was used to copy files from Machine-C's drive C across the network to Machine-S. See your Windows NT product documentation or the Windows NT Resource Kit for details on using the predefined C$ and D$ shares or on creating shared access to a drive among networked machines.
Your network setup might vary. For example, you might have the two machines connected to a client-server network, and your machines might be configured in the same network domain rather than in the same workgroup on a peer-to-peer network. In this case, to capture the log displays in APTCLIEN as used above, each machine must have a domain user account with the same name and password. These domain accounts on each machine must be members of the Administrators group on each machine.
Don't forget that a MyUserName/MyPassword login account with administrator privileges on the local machine is not the same login account as a domain login account using the same MyUserName/MyPassword. If you are setting up Machine-S and Machine-C in a Windows NT network domain so that you are logging on to both machines with your domain login, make sure you add the domain login account to the Administrators group on both machines. You do this in the Windows NT User Manager. You do not need to do this for Machine-C if it is running Windows 95 or Windows 98.
For DCOM operation, the Windows NT operating system version 4 or greater can be installed on each machine. A DCOM95 technology add-on for the Windows 95 operating system is also available. DCOM95 can currently be obtained by download from Microsoft's World Wide Web site at:
If Win95 is involved, then the REMCLIEN.EXE client is typically run under DCOM95 on the Win95 machine while the APTSERVE.EXE server is run on the remote machine under version 4 or greater of Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server. DCOM is built into version 4 or greater of the Windows NT operating system. It is also built into Windows 98.
The TCP/IP network protocol, installed and configured with IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway IP address, is recommended but not required by DCOM. For example, if your network uses the NetBEUI protocol instead of TCP/IP, DCOM will still work. Currently, if the COM client is run under DCOM95 on a Win95 machine, then the TCP/IP protocol must be used. Also, if the APTSERVE.EXE server is run under DCOM95 on a Win95 machine, then that server must be launched manually, as DCOM95 will not launch it automatically on behalf of a remote request from REMCLIEN.EXE. This lesson assumes that the TCP/IP protocol is used and that Machine-S is Windows NT Server or Workstation. Thus, this lesson assumes that if Windows 95 or Windows 98 is involved it is running on Machine-C.
If the computers you use for this lesson are part of a Windows NT Server domain, then it is likely that a DHCP server is available on that network which can be used to automatically assign an IP address for your TCP/IP protocol operation.
If the computers you use for this lesson are configured as an isolated peer-to-peer network, you may need to manually configure the TCP/IP protocol with an IP address if a DHCP server is not available. In this case, you can use the Network option of the Windows NT Control Panel to configure TCP/IP. In the Network dialog box, choose the Protocols tab and select the TCP/IP protocol in the list box. Click the Properties button. In the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the Specify An IP Address radio button and enter values in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway boxes. The values to specify depend on your network. Your network administrator may be responsible for dispensing static IP addresses for machines on the network. If you intend the two machines to remain in an isolated peer-to-peer network, you can assign your own IP address values.
For example you can use values similar to the following.
Machine-S Machine-C IP Address= IP Address= Subnet Mask= Subnet Mask= Default Gateway= Default Gateway=
For these makeshift values, the IP address and default gateway are the same on each machine but must differ on different machines. The subnet mask above will work for most situations.
Note: If you manually specify such values and later wish to connect either machine to an existing corporate client-server network, you should first delete this IP address information. In the Network option of the Windows NT Control Panel, choose the Protocols tab and select the TCP/IP protocol in the list box. In the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the Obtain An IP Address From a DHCP Server button. Save this change, and then restart Windows NT.
DCOM will not work if TCP/IP is installed but the machine has no assigned IP address. This situation may show up as error 0x80070776 (The object exporter specified was not found) returned from a failed CoGetClassObject or CoCreateInstance call.
The operation of DCOM uses some entries in the registry to control DCOM. You can use the REGEDIT, DCOMCNFG, or OLEVIEWER tools to manually view and edit these entries. DCOM can be configured by default so that only machine accounts with Administrator privilege can remotely start and access objects of existing COM component classes. This restriction is set as a configurable machine-wide default registry entries on the remote machine. It is located in the registry as follows.
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLE\DefaultLaunchPermission \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLE\DefaultAccessPermission
You can view these values in the Machine-S registry using REGEDIT. These values are binary ACLs (Access Control Lists) and can be overridden for individual component classes by specifying a LaunchPermission or AccessPermission named value on the AppID entry for the APTSERVE server in the Machine-S registry. During self-registration, the APTSERVE server on Machine-S does not modify DefaultLaunchPermission or DefaultAccessPermission. It also does not override these defaults with its own values on its AppID entry.
Thus, the successful launching and accessing of the components in APTSERVE by REMCLIEN depends on a proper security configuraton for APTSERVE. You can manually set the LaunchPermission and AccessPermission values for the components in the APTSERVE server using a DCOM configuration utility. DCOM includes the DCOMCNFG utility for use in configuring 32-bit COM and DCOM applications. To run this tool, click Start, click Run, and then type DCOMCNFG. Before you use an application with DCOM, you can use DCOMCNFG to set application properties, such as security and location. On the computer running the client application you can specify the location of the server application that will be accessed or started. For the server application you can specify the user account that will have permission to access or start the application, and the user account that will be used to run the application.
Follow the these instructions to configure the security of the APTSERVE server so that REMCLIEN can access its components via DCOM.
Because DCOM security is not significantly addressed within the coding of either REMCLIEN or APTSERVE, to launch and function the APTSERVE server on the remote Machine-S from the REMCLIEN client on the client Machine-C, you must be logged in--with administrator privilages--as the same user on both machines. Both machines must reside in the same workgroup or domain. See the later DCOMDRAW sample for more coverage of coding DCOM security within the client and server.
In this sample you run APTCLIEN on Machine-S to obtain a logging display of the APTSERVE server behavior in the APTCLIEN display. Of course you can also simply run REMCLIEN on Machine-C without explicitly running APTCLIEN on Machine-S. COM will simply locate and run APTSERVE on Machine-S. This is the preferred transparent behavior under normal application conditions.