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ISimpleConnectionPoint::DescribeEvents Method

Retrieves the dispatch identifier and name for events.


HRESULT DescribeEvents(
    ULONG iEvent,
    ULONG cEvents,
    DISPID *prgid,
    BSTR *prgbstr,
    ULONG *pcEventsFetched


[in] Integer that specifies the first event index.
[in] Integer that specifies the number of events about which to retrieve information.
[out, size_is(cEvents), length_is(*pcEventsFetched)] Address of the list of dispatch identifiers for the events.
[out, size_is(cEvents), length_is(*pcEventsFetched)] Address of the list of event names.
[out] Address of the list of events retrieved.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:
S_OK Success.
S_FALSE The enumeration finished, but the requested number of elements is not available.
E_INVALIDARG No elements could be retrieved.

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