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Active Script Debugging API Objects

This section contains the objects exposed by the Active Script Debugging API.

ActiveScriptDebug This object enables smart hosts to take over document management, and enables process debug managers to synchronize debugging of multiple script engines.
ActiveScriptErrorDebug This object provides document context information for compile and run-time errors.
ActiveScriptSiteDebug This object enables a smart host to manage documents and participate in debugging.
ApplicationDebugger This object indicates if the debugger is alive.
ApplicationDebuggerUI This object allows an external component to have additional control over the debugger's user interface.
DebugApplication This object is an extension of the RemoteDebugApplication object for use by language engines and hosts.
DebugApplicationNode This object provides the functionality of the DebugDocumentProvider object and, additionally, a context within a project tree.
DebugApplicationNodeEvents This object signals changes within the DebugApplicationNode object.
DebugApplicationThread This object is an extension of the RemoteDebugApplicationThread object that provides local access to a thread.
DebugAsyncOperation This object provides asynchronous access to a synchronous debug operation.
DebugAsyncOperationCallBack This object is used to signal events from an IDebugAsyncOperation interface.
DebugCodeContext This object represents a position in executable code.
DebugCookie This object sets the cookie for an application.
DebugDocument This is the base object to all debug documents.
DebugDocumentContext This object represents a portion of the debug document.
DebugDocumentHelper This object simplifies the task of creating a smart host for Active Debugging.
DebugDocumentHost This object exposes host-specific functionality, such as syntax coloring.
DebugDocumentInfo This object provides information about a document, which might or might not be instantiated.
DebugDocumentProvider This object allows a document to be instantiated on demand.
DebugDocumentText This object provides access to the source text of a document.
DebugDocumentTextAuthor This object is provided by text documents that support editing.
DebugDocumentTextEvents This object provides events that indicate changes to the associated text document.
DebugDocumentTextExternalAuthor This object allows external editors to edit file-based debugger documents, and to notify the document when the source file has been changed.
DebugExpression This object represents an asynchronously evaluated expression.
DebugExpressionCallback This object provides status events related to the progress of an IDebugExpression evaluation.
DebugExpressionContext This object represents a context in which expressions can be evaluated.
DebugFormatter This object enables a language or integrated development environment (IDE) to customize the conversion between variants and strings.
DebugHelper This object is a factory for object browsers and simple connection points.
DebugSessionProvider This object establishes a debug session for a running application.
DebugStackFrame This object represents a logical stack frame on the stack of a thread.
DebugStackFrameSniffer This object enumerates logical stack frames recognized by an engine.
DebugStackFrameSnifferEx This object provides a means for enumerating logical stack frames for a given component.
DebugSyncOperation This object is implemented by a language engine to expose expression evaluation.
DebugThreadCall This object dispatches a call to a component making a cross-thread call.
EnumDebugApplicationNodes This object enumerates application nodes, usually to enumerate child nodes of a node associated with an application.
EnumDebugCodeContexts This object enumerates code contexts.
EnumDebugExpressionContexts This object is an enumerator of the expression contexts for a given component.
EnumDebugStackFrames This object enumerates stack frames.
EnumRemoteDebugApplications This object enumerates application objects, usually to enumerate the running applications on a computer.
EnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads This object enumerates thread objects, usually to enumerate the running threads in an application.
MachineDebugManager This object provides the hookup point between virtual applications and debuggers by maintaining and enumerating a list of active virtual applications.
MachineDebugManagerCookie This object provides the hookup point between virtual applications and debuggers by maintaining and enumerating a list of active virtual applications along with corresponding cookie-based information.
MachineDebugManagerEvents This object signals changes in the running application list maintained by the computer debug manager.
ProcessDebugManager This object provides the hookup point between virtual applications and debuggers by maintaining and enumerating a list of active virtual applications along with corresponding cookie-based information.
ProvideExpressionContexts This object provides a means for enumerating expression contexts for a given component.
RemoteDebugApplication This object represents a running application.
RemoteDebugApplicationEvents This object signals changes within a debug application.
RemoteDebugApplicationThread This object represents a thread of execution within a particular application.
SimpleConnectionPoint This object describes and enumerates the events fired on a particular connection point and connects an IDispatch interface to those events.

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