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DebugStackFrameDescriptor Structure

Enumerates stack frames and merges output from several enumerators on the same thread.


typedef struct tagDebugStackFrameDescriptor {
    IDebugStackFrame *pdsf;
    DWORD dwMin;
    DWORD dwLim;
    BOOL fFinal;
    IUnknown *punkFinal;
} DebugStackFrameDescriptor;


Address of an IDebugStackFrame interface.
Unsigned long integer value that specifies the first machine-dependent representation of physical addresses associated with the stack frame range.
Unsigned long integer value that specifies the last machine-dependent representation of physical addresses associated with the stack frame range.
Boolean value that identifies the final enumerator.
Address of an IUnknown interface that is used during enumerator merging. If not null, it indicates that the current enumerator merging should stop and a new one should be started.


The range of physical addresses associated with the stack frame is used by the process debug manager to sort the stack frames from multiple script engines.

Structure Information

Windows NTUse version 4.0
WindowsUse Windows 95 and later
Minimum availabilityInternet Explorer 4.0

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