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url Property

Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the scriptlet's .htm file to be displayed in the scriptlet container object.

Applies To

Scriptlet container object


ScriptContainer.url = URLString


You can specify the URL of any .htm file, either local or on a Web server. This property can be set at design time only.

Important   If you are adding the scriptlet to a Web page, do not set this property to the URL of the current page. Doing so causes a recursive call to the page and will cause the browser stop functioning.

If you are using the scriptlet in a host application that has a Web context (such as Internet Explorer), you can specify an absolute path (for example, http://myserver/start.htm) or a relative path that does not include the protocol, or domain, or path (for example, page2.htm). If you specify a relative URL, the path is relative to the page in which the scriptlet appears.

If you specify a URL that is not valid, no error message is displayed, but the scriptlet container object remains blank.

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