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?XML     ABSTRACT Element     CDF Reference for Active ...    
Web Workshop  |  Content & Component Delivery

A Element

Defines a hypertext link for an element.




Required. String value specifying the URL associated with the parent element.

Element Information

Number of occurrences None or one (per parent element)
Parent elements CHANNEL , ITEM
Child elements None
File formats supported CDF
Requires closing tag Yes


The URL specified in the HREF attribute will be displayed in the browser channel pane if the TITLE element is not present.

The HREF attribute of the parent element must be omitted when using the A element. To a CDF client, including the A element is functionally equivalent to using the HREF attribute with the parent element and omitting the A element.


The following example uses the A element to define a hypertext link. The A element is nested inside an ITEM element. Note the absence of an HREF attribute within the ITEM tag.

    <A HREF="http://www.joyware.tld/george.htm">Link to George page</A>

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