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ABSTRACT Element     DEPENDENCY Element     Open Software Description...    
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Specifies the location of the file or distribution unit to be installed.


    STYLE="ActiveSetup" | "MSICD"


String value name of the file or distribution unit. When the FILENAME attribute is used, the file is expected to exist in the same archive (.cab file) as the OSD file.
URL of the file or distribution unit. When the HREF attribute is used, the file is expected to exist on the network. Note that either fully qualified or relative URLs are allowed.
Numeric value in kilobytes (K) that indicates the maximum allowable size for the distribution unit. If SIZE is exceeded, the distribution unit will not be downloaded. If SIZE is not specified, no kilobyte limit is enforced. This attribute is valid only within CDF files.
String value indicating the mechanism used by the computer to download and install files from the Internet. This attribute is valid only within CDF files.
"ActiveSetup"Uses the ActiveX® "Active Setup" engine.
"MSICD"Uses the Microsoft® Internet Component Download (MSICD) to download distribution units and look at the Open Software Description (OSD) file for processing instructions. To use Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 processing procedures, the distribution unit can contain an .inf file.

Element Information

Number of occurrences None or one
Parent elements IMPLEMENTATION
Child elements None
File formats supported CDF, OSD
Requires closing tag No


When contained within a DEPENDENCY block, only the HREF attribute is used. If no CODEBASE is specified, Internet Explorer checks the object store for the distribution unit. When used as a child element of a NATIVECODE or JAVA block and no CODEBASE is specified, Internet Explorer checks the current distribution unit for the files to be installed.


This example indicates the location of a software distribution archive.

    <CODEBASE HREF="http://www.joyware.tld/" />

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