Microsoft Corporation
Updated April 15, 1999
The Fpsrvadm command-line arguments are listed below.
Argument |
Short form |
Definition |
Sample values |
-port | -p | A port number | An integer, such as 80, or a virtual server name followed by an integer, such as
For IIS 4.0 Web servers and later, you can use |
-web | -w | A FrontPage-extended web name | The URL of a directory, relative to the root of the content area, such as /mydirectory |
-type | -t | A Web server type | On UNIX: apache, apache-fp (Apache with FrontPage patch), ncsa, netscape-enterprise, netscape-fasttrack, stronghold On Windows: |
-servconfig | -s | A Web server configuration file | A full pathname, such as /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf |
-multihost | -m | A virtual server's name or IP address.
On IIS 4.0 Web servers and later, this argument is used to specify an instance number. |
An IP address or full WWW host name, as in, or
On IIS 4.0 and later, an instance number, such as /LM/W3SVC/10. The empty string "" signifies that the server is not multi-hosted. |
-username | -u | A user name | On IIS, this value must be either a Windows NT user account name or a Windows NT group name, and can be qualified with a domain name, for example domain\username.
On UNIX and other non-IIS servers, this is a new or existing user name in the Web server’s access list. You should not use a UNIX user name for this value because it could be easily guessed. |
-password | -pw | A password | A password string, such as 124Xyz. This value is not needed on IIS servers. |
-ipaddress | -i | An IP address | An IP address, such as |
-access | -a | The level of access being granted | One of the following values:
administrators, authors, users, remove. Specifying remove removes all access for the account. |
-destination | -d | A URL of a file or folder in a FrontPage-extended web | For the Putfile and Recalcfile commands, a URL relative to the top-level directory of the web, such as /mydirectory/myfile.htm. For the Setdirexec and Setdirnoexec commands, a folder URL relative to the top-level directory of the web, such as /mydirectory/newfolder. For the Rename command, a URL, relative to the root web, such as /newsubweb. |
-filename | -f | A file name | A full path and file name, such as C:\Myfiles\Filename.htm |
-xUser | -xu | A UNIX user account-name (this must be an existing account) | A UNIX user account name. |
-xGroup | -xg | A UNIX group account-name (this must be an existing account) | A UNIX group account name, such as "www." |
-noChownContent Yes | -n yes | Specifies that only the contents of _vti* directories, and not users' content, is to be chowned. | None. |