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IActiveIMMApp::GetGuideLineW Method

Retrieves information about errors. Applications use this information to notify users. Unicode implementation.


HRESULT GetGuideLineW(
    HIMC hIMC,
    DWORD dwIndex,
    DWORD dwBufLen,
    LPWSTR pBuf,
    DWORD *pdwResult


[in] Handle to the input context.
[in] Unsigned long integer value that contains the guideline information to retrieve.
[in] Unsigned long integer value that contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer referenced by pBuf.
[out] Address of a string value that receives the error message string.
[out] Address of an unsigned long integer value that receives the error level, error index, or size of an error message string, depending on the value of dwIndex. If dwBufLen is set to zero, pdwResult receives the buffer size, in bytes, needed to receive the requested information.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.


This method maps to the ImmGetGuideLine function documented in the Microsoft® Platform Software Development Kit (SDK). Non-MSDN link

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